Chapter 12

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We cuddled for around an hour while listening to music and then went back to the suite.

When we walked in Becca was sitting on the counter eating nutella out of the jar.

"Uhh.. this is not what you think it is"she started.

"Dude ew." Miguel said.

"Wait where did yall come from?" She asked.

"The roof." I replied.

"Were yall making out there?" She asked.

Me and Miguel both looked at her like 'seriously'

Then i looked at Miguel. He nodded.

"But we do have something to tell the group." I said.

"YOURE DATING!?" Becca yelled extremely loudly.

All the doors flung open and everybody walked into the main area.

"What's going on?" Brady asked.

"Were dating." Miguel said confirming what Becca yelled.

"What! No way!" Jacob said.

Maddy ran up to me and hugged me.

Were they really all that happy that we were dating.

"Finally!" Mason yelled.

Miguel kinds like sofly punched him in the stomach.

"He's had a crush on you since we first lived in the suite again!" Mason said before running into his room to avoid being punched by Mikey.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah.." Mikey replied.

"She's had a crush on you since ghen aswell!" Jacob said.

I gave him a rude glare and then said: "its true."

Mikey looked at me shocked. "All this time?" He asked.

"Its been a week." I replied.

"A week and a half!" He said dramatically.

I laughed and so did the rest.

"Im tired as hell." Maddy said.

"Then go to bed." Brady replied.

"We should all go to bed, Tomorrow is a long day." I said.

"You just want to go to bed so you and Mikey can make out." Becca said.

"Thats it." Mikey replied as he started to run after Becca who by that point was almost in her room.

"Ill get her next time." Miguel said.

"Just like you'll 'get' Scarlett tonight!" Becca yelled from her room.

"Becca!" I yelled.

Miguel looked at me with a 'maybe' face while he shrugged his shoulders.

"No!" I yelled while puching him in the stomach.

He didn't even flinch.

"You are literally a human tree.." i mumbled.

"Thanks!" He said.

"Blegh love." Tristan said.

We laughed and everyone went into their rooms.

I took a shower, did my skincare, brushed my teeth and got into bed. I heard a knock on my door.

I opened it. It was Mikey.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hi!" He replied.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I uhh.." he started.

"Just come in dumbass." I said.

"Thanks." He said. He stepped inside my room and sat down on my bed.

"I like ur room!" He said.

"Thanks but you've been here before." I replied.

"Yea but not like this." He said.

"Not like what?" I asked.

"Not like.. boyfriend and girlfriend here." He replied.

"Yeah okay Ken." I said sarcastically.

"What? You're saying nothing can happen?" He said.

He stood up, put his hand on my waist and pulled me in. Our hips were touching and kissed me. He pulled away.

"Hi!" He said with a smile on his face.

"Hi!" I replied.

I looked at his lips and kissed him again. He smiled.

We sat down on the bed and i looked af him.

"Brooklyn 99?" I asked.

"Fuck yeah." He replied.

When we were dating we would watching Brooklyn 99 all the time. Like ALL the time.

I put it on and got back in bed. Miguel put his arm around me and kissed me on my forehead.

"That was cheesy." I said.

"That was love." He replied.

"Love is cheesy." I said.

We cuddled and fell asleep. I love him. He's really cheesy tho.

I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now