Chapter 5

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(A/N: I myself have emethophobia and its not really that bad but there is mentions of throwing up.)


I got to set and saw one of the makeup people. "Hey have you seen Mikey?" I asked. "Pretty sure he's still in the bathroom." She said. "Thanks." I said.

I walked to the bathrooms and heard sounds coming from the guys one. I know its like not allowed but i walked in. I saw Miguel hanging over a toilet and he was throwing up. "Oh god!" I said while running to him. I grabbed his hair and held it up in a ponytail. He was still throwing up and he had tears in his eyes. He stopped throwing up and basically fell back into my arms. "Im so sorry.." he said. I placed him with his back onto the stall wall. "Its ok.. its ok.." i replied. I ran to the sinks, got a paper cup and filled it with water. I ran back to Miguel and handed him the cup. He took a sip, gurgled it and then spit it out into the toilet. I sat down in front of him and flushed the toilet.

"Thanks Scar.." he said. "Its okay.." i replied. I handed him a hairtie and he put in a low ponytail. We sat there for a few minutes and then he stood up. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah i.. no im not." He said. I looked at him. He sat back down. "Im really nauseous." He said. "I'll call an uber." I said. I called an uber and looked at him. "Im so sorry.." he said. "You don't have to be Miguel, its life, it's human." I replied. "And its gross." He said. I laughed and he smiled. "Want more water?" I asked. "Yes please." He said.

A few minutes later i got a notification that our uber was here. I stood up and put out my hand. He took it and stood up. We walked outside and got in the uber and he started driving. "You okay?" I asked. Miguel looked so colorless and it was kinda scary. I had never seen him like this. Its kinda moments like this that makes me realize that even if me and Miguel stay just friends its fine. I value him. As a friend, crush and person. "Im fine.." he said. I snapped out of my train of thought. "It doesn't look like it." I said. "Im gonna go to bed when we get home.." he said. "Thats a good idea.." i said. I took his hands and held them. He smiled at me and i smiled at him. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I blushed. Ugh he's so adorable. And sick. My overprotective mom self snapped back.

When we arrived home we took the elevator upstairs and when I opened the door the whole group was on the couch eating pizza while watching spiderman: into the spiderverse. The pizza smell hit me as soon as i stepped inside and i could tell it hit Miguel as well. He looked even sicked then he did before. I guided him straight to his room while we got questioning looks from the cast. I opened the door and immediately closed it as soon as we got in the room. I went into his closet and got out a pair of pyjamas. I gave them to him. "Here." I said. He went into the bathroom to change and i went into the kitchen to get the popcorn/throw up bucket. I came back and Miguel came out of his bathroom. I had also gotten another cup of water. He got in bed and i kinda tucked him in. I sat down and asked "Are you gonna be okay?" "I hope so." He replied. "Get better." I said. He nodded and i got up. I held the doorknob and then i heard him say "Scarlett?" I turned around and looked at him. "Thank you." He said. "Its okay." I replied.

I left his room and as soon as i was out of there everyone looked at me. "What happened in there?" Mason asked. "Did y'all make out?" Becca asked. Jacob grinned at me. I walked to the couch they were all sitting on and started talking. "When you ALL left Miguel on set he was throwing up in the bathroom. I helped him, called an uber and we went home. Now he's sleeping." "So you didn't make out?" Becca asked. I looked at her annoyed. "Is he okay?" Maddy asked. "I hope so." I replied. We all kept watching the movie untill like 9:30, when it finished.

"Im tired." Brady said. "Me too, im going to bed." Tristan added. We all went to our rooms and while i was doing my skincare i got a call from Miguel. I picked up and asked him "Hey, you okay?" "Can you get me some more water?" He asked. "Ofcourse." I replied. I hung up, walked to the kitchen, got a glass, filled it with water and then went into Miguel's room.

"How are you?" I asked him while putting the glass of water on his nightstand and sitting down on his bed. "Im doing a little better.." he said. "Do you need anything else?" I asked. "A hug?" He replied. I bent down and hugged him. It might not seem like it but hes a giant softie. "Goodnight Mikey." I said. "Night Scar." He replied.

I went back into my room, finished my skincare and then got into bed. I turned off the nights and got on my phone. I opened Pinterest and searched up 'Miguel Mora'. Hes so pretty. I scrolled untill i got another call. It was my dad. I picked up. "Hey dad!" I said. "Hey hun!" He replied. "Listen i wanted to talk with you about Mikey." He started. "Oh dad we don't-" I said. He didn't let me finish. "He's a nice guy, he's an amazing guy actually. I like that you two are back together but if he breaks ur heart again then I don't know what i would do to him." He said. "Whoa dad, were not together." I said. What the hell did my mom tell him? "Oh but Dean said-" he started. "You know better then believing what he says." I replied. "Ur right. Im sorry darling." He said. "Im gonna go now, im really tired." I said. "Goodnight." He said. I hung up. Dean is such a dick sometimes. But he's still my brother and i love him.

I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now