Chapter 6

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(A/N: Hey guys!! In this story, the black phone 2 is about the past of the ghostboys and the grabber and stuff so just wanted to tell y'all that incase you get confused.)


The next morning i woke up, showered, got dressed, did my skincare and brushed my teeth. After i did that i went into Miguel's room to see how he was doing. He was on his phone. He hadn't thrown up again so thank god for that. "Hey Mikey." I said. "Hey Scar." He replied. "You feeling better?" I asked. "A little but im still nauseous." He said. "Should i call set and tell them ur not coming?" I asked. "That would be nice." He replied. Yes, I know i sounded like a mother during this conversation but how the hell else do you treat a sick person when ur not a doctor? I called set and then went back into the main area, where everyone already was. Again, they all looked at me. "Y'all make out this time?" Becca asked. "Dude." Brady said. While looking at Becca with an 'ew' face. "He's still sick." I said while sitting down at the counter and making myself some cereal.

"Is he going to set?" Tristan asked. "Dude obviously not." Mason replied.
"Oh shit we have to go!' I said after i looked at the clock. I once again had a short day, we all walked to set and did some scenes.

"Ok uhmm.. Scarlett i need you there in the grab-n-go and then were gonna rehearse the scene you were supposed to have with Miguel today." Scott (the director) said.

I walked to the place he pointed at. He said Miguel's lines and i said mine.

In scene.

"Robin please just listen to me.." Missy says while grabbing his arm.

"No. Im gonna go get snacks, ALONE. Just because something happened to your brother doesn't mean something is gonna happen to me." Robin says angrily while ripping his arm away.

"Robin please! Something bad is gonna happen i just know!" Missy yells.

"What. What super bad thing is gonna happen when i go to get snacks." Robin yells.

"You heard what Gwen said!" Missy yells.

Missy looks at him, devastated.
He looks at her and then looks away.
He can't say no.

"Fine. Ill stay." Robin says while sighing.

"Thank you.." Missy says as the holds onto Robin's hand.

He smiles at her and she smiles back.
He blushes and she does aswell.

Missy stands on her tiptoes and gives Robin a kiss on his cheek. Robin blushes even more and then says "Im gonna go home now."

Missy nodds and blushes at him. He walks away and looks back one more time.

Robin walks untill Missy can't see him anymore and then turns around.

He ignores what Missy said and goes to the store anyway.

On his walk there what Missy said would happen, happens. Robin gets kidnapped by the grabber.

End scene.


"Wait hold on- i have to give Miguel a kiss on the cheek?" I asked Scott.

"Uhh yeah we added that. Becca and Jacob said they thought it needed more drama and stuff. I thought it suited the scene and your carecters." He replied.

"I cant kiss Miguel!" I said.

"Why not?" Scott asked.

"He's my ex." I replied.

"Get over it." He said.

He walked away and i looked at Jacob and Becca who grinned at me. "Assholes." I mouthed.

Later, i was walking home from set and i got a call from my brother. I picked up. "Hey." I said. "Dude you snitched on me." He replied. "How in gods name did I snitch on you?" I asked. "You told mom and dad you weren't dating Miguel!" He replied. "Im not!" I said. "Yea well now I can't go to Miles his party." He said. "Since when are you friends with Miles?" I asked him. "Im not James invited me." He replied. "Goodbye." I said. I hung up and kept on walking until i came home.


I was on the couch just laying there when Scar came home. "Hey!" I said. "Hey! You okay?" She asked. "Im good, ill be on set again tomorrow." I replied. "Hey so uhmm i wanted to talk to you about something." She said while sitting down next to me. "Is everything ok?" I asked. "Yea! Yea everything is great but uhmm.. Jacob and Becca made Scott add something to the scene were gonna film tommorow." She said. "What?" I asked.

"A kiss."

I chocked on air. "A what?" I asked. "Well not an actual kiss, a kiss on the cheek." She said. "And who has to give it to who?." I asked quietly. "I have to give you one." She said. "Oh uhmm.. ok." I replied.

She was gonna give me a kiss on the cheek. SHE WAS GONNA GIVE ME A KISS ON THE CHEEK.

"I just wanted to like.. give you a heads up." She said. "Yeah thanks." I replied. "Is it weird to you?" I asked. "What?" She asked. "Us." I replied. "Us?" She asked. "I mean.. We used to date and.. what are we now?" I said. "I don't know.." she replied. I could see in her eyes that what i said broke her. She stood up and went into her room. Shit. What if i hurt her?


I walked to my room and closed the door. I plopped down on my bed and just cried. Cried for what felt like ages until i heard alot of talking coming from the door. I stood up, opened my door and i saw the whole cast whispering to eachother on the couch. Miguel was talking and then Tristan looked at him like 'DUDE.' And he turned around. "Oh Scarlett! Hi! I uhm-" he started. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I cried again. Maddy walked up to me and took me in her arms.

We went into my room. And she hugged me whilst i cried. After about 5 minutes i stopped. "Wanna talk about it?" She asked. "Yes please." I replied. "What happened before we got here?" She asked me. "Nothing dramatic but just uh.." i started. "The truth." She said.

"He broke my heart. Breaking up with me a year ago broke my heart."

"The actual truth."

"Im in love with him. I am so incredibly in love with him. Like, he's all i think about in love with him. And i just.."

I started crying again. Madeleine hugged me tighter and asked "You just?."

"I know it won't work."

"I think it will work." She said. "Yeah but you don't know everything about me and Miguel." I said. "So tell me everything about you and Miguel." She replied. "Its too much to tell and the only thing i need is s shoulder to cry on." I said. She hugged me even tighter and i cried again. She comforted me and i just cried. Cried for what felt like hours.

I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now