Chapter 22

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"Oh uh nothing." Miguel replied. He smiled.

"You good?" I asked.

He snapped out of it. "Oh yeah we need to go!" He said.

We both stood up and Miguel took his luggage.

"Uhm mr and mrs Grace." He started.

"Morgan and John." My mom corrected him.

"Morgan and John, i want to thank you for uhm, having such and amazing daughter and for letting me love her as much and i do." He said.

My dad smiled.

"And uh Dean, i want go thank you for letting me beat you up, i got alot of anger out." He said.

Dean laughed and they all said goodbye.

Me and Miguel walked away and his gate was not that far away.

Walking there it was quiet. We held hands but we didn't talk.

When we arrived at the gate Miguel took my other and aswell and stood infront of me.

"I.. Im really gonna miss you." He said.

"Im gonna miss you soooo much more then you're gonna miss me." I replied.

He smiled in like a sad way if you know what i mean.

"Oh ew." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"I feel like im in that one scene in the kissing booth." I said.

"I haven't seen that." He replied.

"Whattt?" I asked dragging on the t.

"Im sorry?" He replied.

"Go download it while your still on land and then watch it on the plane, im forcing you." I said.

"I will." He said.

I smiled and him and he bent down and kissed me.

He slowly let go of my hands and pulled away.

He turned around and i watched him walk away.

I could slowly feel tears forming in my eyes. God.

I turned around aswell and walked back to the starbucks, by now my tears were gone.

I sat back down next to my mom and she looked at me.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I felt tears coming back into my eyes and i fell into her arms.

She hugged and held me.

After like half a minute i stopped crying. I looked back up and saw my brother and dad looking at me.

Dean burst out laughing.

"Dude!" I said.

He kept laughing.

"Im sorry, do you have a partner you want to cry over Dean?" My mom asked.

Dean immediately stopped laughing and my dad burst out instead.

I looked at my mom and smiled.

"That was very Olivia Coleman in heartstopper of you." I said while still smiling at my mom.

My dad drank the rest of his coffee and then we went to out gate. The plane wasn't leaving for another hour but we didn't have anything to do so whatever.

When we arrived at our gate we sat down at the like area you can sit and i put on my headphones.

I opened my phone and went into spotify. I turned on speak now (Taylor's version) that me and Miguel were previously listening too.

Back to December started playing and I immediately thought of a year ago. When i was dancing and singing in the suite.

I took a screenshot of the lyrics and sent them to Miguel.

He replied with 'Flashbacks.."

Dont really know why there were 2 periods behind it but its fine.

I looked at the text and smiled. I know that smiling at your phone is like cheesy and stuff but it's not when you love somebody.

I love him.


I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now