Chapter 19

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We woke up the next morning at around 10am.

I stretched out my arms and said "Morning."

"Morning." He replied.

"How did we manage to watch 8 seasons of brooklyn 99 in 2 days?" He asked.

"I have no idea." I replied.

"Are we gonna go out for breakfast today?" I asked.

"Yeah sure!" He replied.

He took a shower and I scrolled on tiktok again. After he was done he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his head.

I laughed.

"What?" He asked.

I laughed again.

"What!?" He asked.

"You!" I replied.

"Me?" He asked.

"Your hair!" I replied while still laughing.

"You look stupid as hell!" I added.

He took the towel off of his head.

"Better?" He asked.

"Much better." I replied

He sat back down on the bed and i took a shower aswell. I put on some sweatpants and a crop top and came back into the main area.

"Woww.." he said.

"What?" I asked.

"You look like shit, lets go!" He said while standing up and grabbing the car keys.

"Thanks!" I replied.

I like how me and Mikey are dating but were just bestfriends. I mean, we act almost exactly the same as bestfriends but we do kiss and stuff just not in public. I guess you could say our relationship is kinda private but idk. I always think its nasty when i see like couples kissing in public and stuff so I don't do that sort of stuff.

We got in he car and drove to the nearest starbucks. We walked in and i saw my family.

"Hey Hun!" My mom said when she spotted me.

"Hey!" I replied.

I gave her one of those side hugs you give a person when their sitting down yknow.

My mom, dad and brother were sitting at a table. I took a chair and sat down at the table head. Miguel sat down next to my mom because that was the only spot free.

My brother noticed Miguel and immediately got nervous, i assumed they hadn't talked.

"I have to go to the bathroom.." he nervously said. He immediately got up.

"Uh me too." Miguel replied.

They both left and went to the bathroom. Don't think i want to know what they were gonna do.

"Anything fun happen?" My mom asked.

"Uh hey im just gonna get some sugar for my coffee." My dad said.

He walked away and my mom grinned at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Was he good?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She knew. Ofcourse she knew! She's my mom.

"The virgin glow is gone, was it Miguel?" She asked.

"Shush!" I replied.

"It wasn't Miguel?" She asked.

"No it was i just don't want to talk about it!" I said.

"Im your mom." She replied.

"Last night, Miguel, my hotel room, amazing." I said giving her all the info she needed to know.

"Aww my sweet little 17 year old finally lost her virginity!" She said.

"Mom there are people here!" I said.

"Alright fine!" She replied.

My dad came back with a sugar packet and he poured it in his coffee.

"Why are you guys so quiet?" He asked.

"Uhhh.." i said.

Miguel and Dean came back from the bathroom and Miguel seemed slightly glad and Dean looked happy. He didn't seem scared anymore. I think they both apologized but that's just what i assumed.

"Scar?" Miguel asked.

"Hm?" I replied.

"What do you wanna get?" Miguel asked me.

"Oh I'll just come with you." I said.

We walked to the counter and Miguel ordered his drink.

"And for her a small caramel frappechino with oat milk and a warm cinnamon roll." He said.

I was surprised. That's what I always order and i always have ordered. He remembered..

"What name will be on that?" The lady asked.

"Oh Scarlett." I replied.

"Alright your orders will be done soon." She said.

We walked back to the table.

"You remember?" I asked.

"All too well." He said.

I looked at him surprised. He just made a Taylor Swift reference.

"Yea i realized." He said.

I laughed.

We both sat back down and we started talking with my family.

It was quiet for a few seconds and then me and Miguels names got called. We went to get our food and then we came back.

"So what exactly happened yesterday?" My dad asked.

I chocked on my drink.

"I uhh.. I don't.. uhm." I started.

I looked at Miguel who was bright red.
My mother grinned at me.

"Hm." She said.

"Why does my sons face look like that and ur boyfriends knuckles look like that?" My dad asked.

Oh thank god.

"Oh that! Uhm-" i started.

"What else would have happened?" My dad asked.

He was staring down Miguel and Miguel seemed kinda scared.

"Nothing its just that what ur talking about happened the day of the premiere." I said.

"Talk." My dad said.

"I heard Mikey talking about Scarlett and I couldn't contain myself and i punched him. Miguel was just defending himself and he pretty clearly won." Dean said.

Miguel looked at Dean and smiled.

"What was he talking about?" My dad asked.


I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now