Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning at about 9am. Still laying in Mikey's arms.

I moved his arm and he groaned and flipped around. He went back to sleep.

I went into the bathroom and took a shower. It was really peaceful.

I got dressed, did my skincare and brushed my teeth. I walked back into the living room or whatever its called.

Miguel was still sitting in bed. He was on his phone.

When he noticed me he said "Hey goodmorning!"

"Goodmorning!" I replied.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"I slept great." I replied.

"Good." He said.

I sat down next to him and got out my phone.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked.

"Uhhh, i don't know. You?" He asked.

"Im really craving avocado toast right now." I replied.

"Then i want avocado toast two." He said.

"You hate avocado." I said.

"No I don't!" He said.

He really hates avocado, he says it tastes like soap.

"Im getting you 2 crossaints." I said.

"Thank you!!" He replied.

I got up, called the like front desk or whatever and ordered our food.

Miguel took a shower and got ready aswell. About 15 minutes later, the food came.

I payed, said thank you and then put out the food for us to eat.

Miguel came out of the shower and said "Oooo!"

He sat down next to me and we started eating.

"Wait gimme a sec." I said.

I walked to the bathroom and got my sudocream.

I walked back into the main area and started putting the cream on Mikey's knuckles.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"It'll heal faster." I said.

"Mkay." He said.

He ate the rest of his breakfast and so did i.

After we ate i asked him what he wanted to do today since we were flying back home tomorrow.

"Kinda wanna go to the mall." He said.

"Then lets go to the mall!" I replied.

I put on my jacket, grabbed my bag and then we left.

We drove to the mall and it was pretty busy.

I saw Sephora so I basically ran in immediately. Miguel followed me around like a baby duck.

"Should i get this?" I asked while holding a rare beauty blush.

"Uhh.." Miguel started.

"Im gonna get it." I said.

"Sure." He replied.

When walking towords the checkout 2 girls walked up to us.

"Hey! Oh my god your Miguel and Scarlett!" One of them said.

"That's us!" Miguel replied.

"Could we get a picture with you?" The other one asked.

"Ofcourse!" I replied.

They took a selfie and we posed.

"Thank you!" They said.

"No problem, it was nice meeting you!" I replied.

They walked away and we checked out.

"Where do you wanna go now?" I asked him.

"Uhh I don't know." He asked.

"You wanna go to JD sports." I said while grabbing his arm and walking to the direction where the store was.

"I really do." I replied.

We walked to the store and Mikey once again bought a new cap.

"No okay see but this one is different." He started.

"Its a white cap with an a on it." I said.

"Yeah but it has gold stitching so it looks cooler!" He added.

I sighed.

"Scar you don't understand!" He said.

"Its completely different and its way better." I said sarcastically.

"Thank you." He said.

We laughed.

"I kinda wanna get boba." I said.

"Then lets get boba!" He said.

We walked to the boba shop and stood in line. I was scared to order, I don't know why but i was.

I asked Miguel if he could order for me and he said yes. He's so kind.

"Uhm one raspberry milk with tapioca pearls and one strawberry tea with lemon pearls please." He said.

"Is that all?" The lady asked.

"Uhh yeah." Miguel replied.

"Okay your order number is 17." She said.

We stood on the corner and waited for our order. Around 4 minutes later it was done.

We both grabbed out teas and walked through the mall while drinking our drinks.

"Hey when are you flying back?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow, i leave at 4." He said.

"My flights tomorrow at 5!" I said.

"Really?" He asked with an exited face.

"Yeah!" I replied.

"Ill just be at the airport a little early." I said.

"I love you." He said.

I felt his hand intertwining mine. I felt warm, happy.

Miguel bent over to my ear and then whispered "Does that mean i can sleep over again?" into my ear.

"Yes, Miguel." I said.

We smiled at eachother and then went home.

I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now