Chapter 20

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(A/N: @hopealcaraz for the support. I wrote half of this chapter in like 15 minutes only because you said you liked the story. Thank you!!)


"I uh.." i started.

"What were you talking about." John said.

"Uhh i kinda.. I don't.." i said.

"We had sex!" Scarlett yelled.

"What!?" John yelled angrily.

He stood up and looked at me, he was furious. I stood up.

"Miguel go." Morgan said firmly.

I ran outside. I kept running untill i was at the corner of the street.

When i turned around John was running towards me and the rest was right behind him.

Morgan kept grabbing his arms, trying to turn him around.

Dean kept apologizing for what he did and trying to explain everything.

And there Scarlett was. She had tears in her eyes. She was looking at me and we had eye contact.

I walked up to them. John was still angry but I didn't care. I opened my arms and Scarlett walked straight into them. I hugged her and held her as she cried.

I put my chin on the top of her head and comforted her. She cried and kept repeating "im sorry, im sorry, im sorry"

"Dont be.." i said.

I held her and hugged her.


Miguel hugged and held me. All of this was just a little much for me. I could see my dad standing behind Mikey.

His angry look turned into an 'oh..' look if you know what i mean by that. He seemed like he regretted getting angry at Mikey.

I kept on saying sorry over and over and over again. Miguel just kept sofly shushing me and telling me its ok.

After a few seconds Miguel stepped back and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah.." i said, i wiped my tears and he pulled me in once again. He hugged me and kissed me on my forehead.

He took my hand and looked at my dad.

"Sorry mr Grace." He said.

"Come here." Mh dad said while opening his arms.

Miguel let go of my hand and my dad hugged him.

"I.. You're growing up. And that's human so.. that's something i need to deal with. Im sorry hun." My dad told me.

I joined their hug.

"Yeah this is sweet but we have a plane to catch." My mom said.

"Oh yeah!" I said.

Me and Miguel drove back to the hotel in his car and my family drove back in theirs.

"Okay were just gonna get packed." I said in the hallway.

Miguel went into his room and got packed. Then he came into my room because he still had some stuff laying here.

"Yknow.. I didn't think we'd ever get back together. I mean, i thought i blew my one chance." He said.

"You didn't.." i said while taking a sweater and sweatpants out of my luggage.

I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now