Chapter 11

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We took the stairs up to the roof. It was only one set of stairs seeing as we were staying in the biggest suite.

When we arrived there. The whole roof was empty. Kinda like a roof spiderman would sit on to think if you know what i mean.

The view was beautiful.

"Wow.." i said.

This was the perfect to watch the sunset.

Miguel turned me around and i saw a little corner filled with stuff.

It had a blanket, candles, 2 small pillows, 2 drinks and some snacks.

I gasped. "Miguel!" I said.

He smiled. "This is so awesome!" I said. "I knew you'd think that." He said.

He took my arm and we sat down. He handed me a bottle of water and i drank some.

"Okay so.. i was thinking that maybe we could like get to know eachother even more." Miguel said.

"How?" I replied.

"We confirm or deny rumors about ourselves." He said.

"Alright." I said.

"Your gonna be in a movie with Florence pugh." Miguel said.

"Not true. Sadly." I replied.

"You have 6 toes." I said.

"Are we seriously still talking about that? Not true!" He said.

We laughed.

"Okay uhm.. You didn't get tickets to the eras tour." He said.

"Not true! I got lower bowl." I said.

"Ooo nice!" He said.

"I know!" I replied.

"Ok uhm.. You have a whole entire playlist full for lowriders." I said.

"True!" He replied.

"Oooo!" I said.

He nodded and laughed.

It was quiet. I looked at him and he looked at me.

"Im not in love with the memories Scar." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Im in love with you."

"What?" I asked again.

"I thought that I wasn't in love with you but just with the you I remember but.. ur her. Your the Scarlett i love. Im not in love with the memories im in love with you." He said.

"Miguel.." I started.

"Im sorry." He said.

He looked sad. Like he realized he blew it. He didn't tho.

"Miguel." I said.

I put my hand on his cheek and he looked at me. His eyes were beautiful. I looked at him for a few seconds.

I pulled him in and kissed him. I once again felt his warm breath on my skin and butterflies in my stomach.

I pulled away slowly. I looked him in the eye.

"I think im in love with you too." I said.

He smiled. We both looked at the sunset again.

" i think i should ask you this then.." Miguel started.

He took my hands in his hands and looked at me.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Ofcourse." I replied.

We both smiled and then he pulled me in again. We kissed and it felt magical. Like i was living in a fairytale. He pulled away slowly.

"I have never liked anyone as much as i like you." He said.

I just smiled at him. We looked at the sunset again. I put my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.

If we could stay like this forever i would want to.

I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now