Chapter 21

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"Yea but.. it was nice while it lasted right?" He replied.

"Yeah, it was nice while it lasted." I said.

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"Did we just quote Bojack horseman?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

I laughed.

"Hey uh.. i have to ask.." he started.

Oh god.

"What?" I said. Im like 99 procent sure i sounded scared and that because i kinda was.

"Was i good?" He whisper asked.

I burst out laughing.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah!" He said. He was now laughing aswell.

"Amazing!" I replied while still laughing.

"Oh thank god!" He replied.

"Me?" I asked.

He looked at me seriously then titled his head to the side.

"Seriously!?" I said.

"No dude obviously you were amazing why do you think this morning was a thing!" He replied.

"Asshole!" I said. I slapped him on his laugh and we both laughed.

My brother walked over to us.

"Oh hey!" I said.

"Hey! What were you guys laughing about?" He asked.

I looked at Miguel and he looked at me. We burst out laughing.

"What?" Dean asked.

We kept laughing.

"Dude what?" He asked now laughing aswell.

"Private things!" I said.

"What kind of private things?" He asked.

"Uhh.." Miguel started.

"Oh my god you were talking about sex!" He said.

"Shush!" I said.

He scoffed and me and Mikey kept laughing.

Dean leaned in to whisper something to me.

"Was he good?" He asked.

"Dude!" I said.

"Was he?" He asked.

"I mean yes definitely! Why is that everyones question!?" I said while still laughing.

"Its Miguel Mora!" He said.

"Respectfully, i was awesome and so was your sister." Miguel said.

"I didn't need to know about my sister!" Dean replied.

We all laughed and then my parents walked towards us. We immediately stopped laughing.

"What's going on?" My mom asked.

"Nothing. Just boring stuff." I replied.

"Oh my god. You were talking about sex!" I mom said.

"Mom!" I yelled while laughing again.

"Your dads real good." She said while sitting down next to us.

"Oh my god i did not need to know that!" I yelled.

Dean fake gagged and Miguel laughed.

My mom grinned and my dad sat down aswell.

"So are we going to get something and actually eat it this time?" My mom asked.

"Uhh my plane leaves in half an hour so im gonna get to my gate soon." Miguel replied.

"Oh thats ok, we'll stay here so you and Scar can have a little moment." My mom said while smiling at me.

I looked at Miguel and he was blushing. 

My dad got a coffee cuz, I don't actually know why but he just got a coffee.

A few minutes later Miguel stood up and signed that he was gonna go.

"Uhm hey i have to get to my gate." He said.

"Im coming!" I said.

My dad stood up and took Miguel by his arm.

"Uhh hey kid." I heard him start.

They walked and stood just outside of the store and i could see them but I couldn't hear.


John took me by his arm and took me just outside the store. I looked back at Scarlett like 'oh god' and she smiled at me.

"Miguel, i have to apologize." John started.

"Oh no its-" i said before he cut me off.

"Your a great kid and im sorry I didn't see that. You make my daughter happy and she really loves you. Im sorry i ever doubted you." He said.

"Thanks.." i said.

"Come here." He replied.

He pulled me in and we hugged.

He patted my arm and we walked back to the table.

"What was that all about?" Scar asked me.

"Oh uh nothing." I said. I smiled to myself.

He approves of me. The guy who just this morning chased after me because he found out, yea no I don't wanna say what we did, approves of me.

I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now