Chapter 10

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I woke up around a week later on Wednesday. I got ready, went into the main area and made some cereal. Becca and Maddy soon after sat down next to me "Hey!" I said. "Hey!" They replied. "Ok so i saw this tiktok wait ill show it." Becca said. She showed me her phone and it was a video shipping me and Miguel.

"You gotta stop doing that man." I said.
Maddy giggled. "So funny." I told her. She stopped giggling. "Sorry." She replied. Im so fucking tired of all this Miguel stuff. I mean, were friends. Thats it. I like him but he doesn't like me back. Thats just how it is.

The guys came walking out of their rooms and they ate breakfast aswell. I feel like I've been quiet lately. I mean everyone is always talking but im just always thinking. Thinking about him.

We were done eating and left to go to set. Once again, me and Miguel had to go to makeup first. We started talking on the way there.

"How have you been? We haven't talked just us in a while." Miguel said.

"Oh uhm I've been good, you?" I asked.

"Great!" He replied.

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"Hey uhm, do you wanna hangout tonight?" He asked.

"Where?" I replied.

"The hotel roof." He said.

Why in the god? Was he planning on killing me and then dumping my body in the water tank?

"Oh yeah sure!" I replied.

"Great!" He said.

We arrived at the makeup room and both sat down. The makeup artists were having conversation.

"Yeah so this guy I went on a date with, he was so so handsome and he was good in the you know aswell." Miguel's makeup artists said.

I looked at Miguel with a 'WHAT THE HELL.' Face and he looked at me the same way. We both laughed.

"You'll have these conversations tol someday." My makeup artist said.

"Ew." I said.

"You're done." She said.

I stood up and so did Miguel. We walked back to our chairs and there was the rest of the cast. They were playing 2 truths and a lie. We both sat down.

"Scar do you wanna go?" Mason asked.

"Oh i uh.. I can't- yeah sure." I said.

They all looked at me. "Can someone else go first tho? I need to come up with them." I said.

"Oh yeah sure!" Mason said.

He looked at Jacob and Jacob sat straight up. "Oh uhm.." he started.

"Ok, I like Taylor Swift, Mikey and Scar are in love, my favorite color is blue." Jacob said.

His favorite color is indeed blue but I didn't know if he likes Taylor.

"Second ones a lie." Miguel quickly said.

"Definitely." I added.

"Yeah it is." Jacob said.

Mason scoffed and then the rest started laughing.

"Scar?" Maddy asked.

"Oh ok uhm.. I love Taylor Swift more then i love my own brother, my favorite color is purple and.. I am very annoyed at Becca for what she showed me this morning." I said.

"What did you show her?" Brady asked Becca.

"Not the point." Becca said.

"You hate purple!" Miguel said.

"I do!" I replied.

I haven't ever told anyone about my hate for purple. So how did he know?

Me and Becca got called into a scene a few minutes later and we started acting.

In scene.

I sat down in class on the chair next to her.

"A.. Are you okay?." Becca asked.

I didn't day anything and looked at the table with sadness and disbelief.

"Im sorry for.. Robin." She said.

"Don't." I replied in a snarly voice.

"Sorry." She said.

"He was.. he was my bestfriend." I started. I had tears forming in my eyes.

"I told him to go home and he didn't. What if i went with him? I mean, the grabber only kidnaps boys right? It wouldn't have happened if I was there." I said.

Becca looked at me with a 'sorry' face. Like she completely understood what Missy was saying. Donna didn't under what Missy was saying so it kinda went wrong but i just continued.

I had full on tears streaming down my face.

"Miss?" Becca asked while putting her hand up.

The woman who played the teacher walked over and smiled. Then she saw me.

"Oh sweetie are you okay?" She asked.

"Im fine." I replied.

"Lets get you to the office okay? I know that you were very close with Robin so I understand why ur upset." She said.

She took my arm and we walked out of the classroom.


"CUT!" Scott yelled.

He looked at Becca. "Sorry." She said. "Its fine we'll do it again." He said. He walked up to Becca and hugged her from the side.

We did the scene again and this time it went right.

After our set days ended we all went home together.

"Did anything funny happen today?" Brady asked.

Miguel looked at me and i looked at him. We both burst our laughing.

"Spill!!" Becca said.

"Okay so today, me and Scar were getting our makeup done and then the artists started talking about how good some guy last night was in the sack and then said that someday we'd have these conversations aswell." Miguel said.

Everybody burst out laughing.

"Dude ew!" Mason said.

We arrived home a few minutes later.
I ordered dinner and then decided to get my outfit ready for tonight. I decided on a new crop top i bought and some bootcut jeans. I put my hair half up in a little bun. I heard the bell ring. "Dinners here!" I yelled. Everyone appeared at the dinner table and we started eating.

After dinner i put on my outfit, did my makeup, brushed my teeth and put on my shoes. When i walked out of my room Miguel was standing there.

"Hey!" He said.

He was the only one there.

"Hey!" I said while closing my door.

He opened the suite door for me and we walked out. I was SO nervous.

I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now