Chapter 12

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I pressed my hand against the window in Zayn's hospital room. The glass was warm from the hot sun. I haven't really been outside lately. I haven't seen the world because at this point in time, my world is Zayn. In this hospital suite with a chair scooted close to a hospital bed. I've spent almost three weeks here.

"It's a pretty day outside. Huh." I said as I took my hand away from the glass.

Zayn was finishing up his lunch. "Are you ready to go?" He asked solemnly.

I spun around and smiled. "Not quite." I sat beside him in his bed and watched his jawline move with every bite he took.

"You know you gotta leave sometime. I'm not allowing you to sleep upright in that damn chair one more night." He said looking down at me.

I rolled my eyes and stole a chip from his plate.

Zayn went on with a full mouth. "You belong in a bed back home. I mean how could you even stand this cramped room." He swallowed. "There are times where I swear the walls are closing in on me."

"You excited to leave next Friday?"

He scoffed. "Thrilled."

I can't wait to bring him home.

I stood up and Zayn shifted uneasily.

"What?" I asked. "I thought you wanted me to go?"

He nodded. "Yeah but..."

He looked down at his hands. "This room will be so boring without you."

I hoisted my backpack over my shoulders. "You're gunna miss me?"

He nodded. "Terribly."

I went over and kissed him on the forehead. "I'll be back. The day after tomorrow."

As I was walking out the door, three words stopped me.

"I love you." Zayn said quietly.

As if it was a secret that I overheard. And just the tone of those three words. The weight that they carried when they came from his lips. I knew it meant something more.

I spun around. "I don't know how I never knew."

Zayn shrugged. "Don't worry about it AirBear."

I met him at his bed and ran my hand through his hair. "I love you too Zayn."

I left his room and made my way down to the parking garage where Liam left his car for me to drive home if I ever needed to. I hop into his Range Rover and take a few moments just to stop and think things over.

I have to stop playing both sides. I have to choose and I don't want to. And Zayn can pretend he has no problem with sharing me but sooner or later he's going to make me choose. And I'm scared because what if I don't choose him.

This whole time I've been with Zayn, Liam has been distant. I don't know if it's because he wants to give me space with Zayn or if he really just doesn't want to be around me. I haven't had a text from him in days. He hasn't brought me lunch at the hospital in a week.

I don't know his issue but right now I just want to see his face.

I start the car and drive home in silence.

When I reach the flat, I park in Liam's spot and head upstairs. I open the door and lay on the couch without saying a word to anyone.

Liam comes into the room and almost doesn't see me. "Oh hey." He says in a monotone voice.

I sat up and smiled. "I'm home."

He gave me a weak smile but I looked past it.

"Did you want to do something today?" I asked.

He shrugged came over to the couch. He lifted my head and sat in its place, leaving my head to rest in his lap.

"Are you going to speak a word at all or am I going to continue talking to myself?" Exasperation seeped through my words.

He gave me a crooked smile like it was his mission to piss me off. "I missed you." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and punched him in the gut. "Already getting under my skin." I tried to hide my smile.

He traced the curves of my lower lip with his index finger. "It's what I do best."

We sat there for a bit, just enjoying each others company, until Harry and Niall came in. I sat up and made room for the two of them on the couch. Harry wrapped his massive arms around me and there was definitely no getting away from him.

Liam whispered in my ear. "Be ready before six. I'm going to take you out tonight."

I giggled and nodded before he left to the other room.

"SECRETS DON'T MAKE FRIENDS LI!" Harry screamed after him.

Niall came over and took Liam's spot, laying his head in my lap. I played with his hair.

Before I had to get ready for my date with Liam, I wanted to spend a little time in this spot. Right between my two favorite boys.

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