Chapter 2

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Hope your liking it so far! Here's the next chapter!



I quietly shut the door behind me. I should let him sleep. I mean he had a long flight. And as much as I want him awake and with me... I have to let him sleep. I'll see what the boys are doing. I walked down stairs. They were eating in the kitchen.

"Who cooked?" I asked.

"I did." Harry answered. "Just some chicken and potatoes. You hungry Zayn?"

"No. I'm fine." I said even though i was hungry and it smelled real good. But my mind was elsewhere. Maybe Aaron was too cold to sleep. Maybe he was uncomfortable. Maybe I should go up there?

"Where's Aaron?. Wouldn't he be hungry too?" Liam asked.

"He's sleeping. He had a long flight. Plus the time difference must have him all confused." I worried myself with all my explanations. "I gotta check something." I ran upstairs and into my room. Where I found Aaron. Fast asleep. He looked so peaceful. I decided I'd lay with him for a while. I kicked off my shoes and gently got under the covers. Reacting to my motion Aaron rolled over and laid his head on my chest but he was still sleeping. I wrapped my arm around him and studied him. His hair was a dark brown. Our skin color almost matched. I was just a small bit taller than him. I could just sit there and watch him sleep. He was so perfect and he is all mine. For a whole 2 months. He said he could stay longer but that i would have to convince him. Obviously I would do the best that I can.

My mind flickered to the conversation we had in the car. "Believe me. I've known". It was true though. I've known since we were little that he was gay. He talked about girls like that but I knew he was lying. I pretended like i believed him but really I was waiting for the moment that he would tell me. The only thing I worry about is what the guys will say when they find out. I hope they take it well. I don't want them to break my AirBear's heart. God knows what I would do if they do that.


I don't know how long i sat there for. Maybe an hour. Maybe longer. I don't know. Time flies when i'm with Aaron. But Liam came in.

"Everything alright? You said you had to check on something and then disappeared." He said.

" Shhhh!" motioning towards my Angel sleeping in my arms. He had this look on his face. Like it disgusted him to find us like this. I ignored it. I didn't care because i haven't seen my baby in so long. "What do you want?" I whispered.

"Umm... I-I could watch Aaron while you go eat. We saved food for you."

"No Liam" I said. "I'm not hungry"

"If you say so..." He replied. He walked toward the door then spun around. "You could at least hang out with the guys for a little. Just... you know let Aaron sleep. He is an adult..."

I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes. I kissed Aaron's forehead and gently rolled him over on a pile of pillows. Then I tucked him in and got off the bed. "Come on Li. Let's watch a movie or something." He smiled and we walked out of the room.



I woke up suddenly from a nightmare. I forgot where I was for a quick second but then I remembered. I looked over at Zayn sleeping next to me. I loved how his bed was so large, yet he slept as close to me as possible. He was adorable. I suddenly remembered that my sleep was supposed to be a quick nap. What time is it? I hopped out of the bed and went over to where Zayn had his phone plugged in the wall. Looks like he plugged in mine too. I guess while I was sleeping. It was 3AM. Ugh! I felt bad. Zayn and I were supposed to watch a movie. I realized how much I had to pee so I walked to my dresser and went through the drawers until I found some sweat pants. I pulled them on and tiptoed out of the room. I found Harry sitting on the couch on his lap top.

"Hey" I said. "Whatchya doin?" I asked.

He jumped and was startled buy my voice. Then He laughed quietly to himself. "Oh it's just you. I just don't feel like sleeping yet." He said.

"Oh." I sat next to him on the floor.

"Did you sleep good?" He asked.

"Yeah. But i'm still a little tired. I didn't sleep on the plane because there was this drunk lady siting behind me." I giggled.

He smiled "Like always right?"

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked. Remembering my full bladder.

"Right there." He pointed down the hallway on the other side of the room. "Right next to my bedroom. Just so you know." He winked.

I rolled my eyes and smirked. When I came out of the bathroom. I walked by Harry and said. "You should get some sleep"

"I will. I will." He sighed.

I realised that i was thirsty so I went down stairs to the kitchen. I walked in and there he was. Liam was sitting on the counter drinking orange juice.

"Hey there sleepy head" He teased. "Why you up so early?" He asked.

"Hey" I smiled "I'm just thirsty" I replied.

He raised his glass in my direction. "Great minds think alike"

I chuckled. I opened a few cabinets before reaching the one with the cups. I walked to the sink and filled my glass with tap water. Then I sat next to Liam on the counter.

"So what's the deal between you and Zayn?" Liam asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked back.

"You have him wrapped around your finger. I just can't comprehend it." He said

"NO it's not like that. He and I just have this- like special bond." I replied. "we just have this thing that most people don't understand. It's almost like a longing. Like nothing in this entire world can break us apart. We've known each other since we were babies. He's always been there for me... Always. He would get in fights for me." I laughed at a memory.

"What is it?" Liam asked

"Oh nothing."

"No tell me" Liam insisted.

I gave in. "Ok. Well when me and Zayn were in primary school. We were playing on the playground. We were in about grade 3 or 4. Well one of the school bullies came up to me and pushed me to the ground. He said to me 'Hey fag! Get your gay ass off of my playground!' Zayn was furious. He ran and tackled the boy punching him in the face over and over again. He even kneed him in the crotch a few times." I laughed and so did Liam."Zayn screamed 'DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO MY BROTHER LIKE THAT!' He got in so much trouble" I said finishing up my water. " He came over my house like two days after and I asked him why he did that and all he said was 'Your my everything. I wasn't going to let anyone touch you like that."

"And I still wouldn't" Zayn said from the other side of the kitchen. "I don't regret one thing that happened that day. I'd do it again if I had the chance." He smirked. " I woke up and you weren't there." He said

"I'll be up soon Zayn. Go back to bed." I said

He nodded. "But i'll be awake until you get there" He walked up stairs.

"See what I mean? I just don't understand... He never acts like that. Not with anyone. Not even when he was with his girl." Liam said looking at me expectantly

I shrugged

He hopped off the counter and took my glass from me and put it in the sink. Then he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. I felt this spark and my stomach jumped. But i didn't show it. "That must have been hard for you." He said "With all that bullying and harassment" We slowly walked towards the steps. I guess he was walking me to Zayn's room.

"Yeah it was. I mean that was the first time anyone ever called me gay. I could care less now."

"Well are you?"

"Am I what?" Honestly not understanding what he meant.

"You know. Gay."

I could se that the topic made him uncomfortable but he asked anyway. "Well yeah. I am. Does that bother you?"

He shook his head. "I have nothing against it." He smiled.

We walked up the stairs and there was no sign of Harry so I assumed he went to bed. We stopped at Zayn's door and Liam gave me a hug. "Goodnight Aaron."

"Night." I said as I walked into Zayn's room.

I got in bed and he immediatly wrapped his around me and I shifted into a spooning position in front of him. "Goodnight Zaynikans"

"Goodnight AirBear"

"I love you" I said

"And why do you love me?" He asked

I smiled because we haven't said this in a while. I spun around and looked right into his eyes "Because I am yours and you are mine." I said smiling.

"Forever and ever." He added. "I love you too" He said kissing my forehead.

I not sure why he is being so possesive over me but I just ignored it. I spun around and laid my had on his arm



I don't understand what it is that makes me so jealous. I'm just jealous. I'm jealous of this new bond that is sparking between Aaron and Liam. It bothers me. Liam can't have my AirBear! He is mine. Forever and ever. What am I gunna do when Aaron has a boyfriend? What if he already has one? I don't want to think about that. I don't want him belonging to someone else. I don't want him talking to someone else the way we talk. I have to prevent that. I can't let it happen. I can't let him slip away from me. I looked at him sleeping in my arms. Like this right now. I wouldn't want him to do this with anyone else. But what if he wants to. With if he doesn't feel the way that I feel? What if he doesn't want to be with me the way I want to be with him?

Do I want to be with him? Yes. Yes I do.

But I'm not gay. The thing is I would be gay for my Airbear and only my Airbear. If he wanted me to. Only if he loved me the way I love him.



I never considered myself gay. Never. I've always been attracted to girls. Always. It's just him. Aaron. He makes my heart skip a beat. He makes me smile when he laughs. I would be anything for him. I never thought this until now. I have a crush on Aaron. Does he like me? I need to find out. I have to get him alone with me. I need him to be mine. The thing that bothers me is his relationship with Zayn. Does he like Zayn. Does he love Zayn. I need to know.

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