Chapter 6

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It's been a while... I wasn't sure about updating today but whatever. Here it goes...

**Aaron's POV**

Now that we had Zayn's "approval" Liam and I would spend everyday together. He would take me sight seeing, out to lunch or dinner, and then we would go into his room to curl up and watch movies.

"Why do you have to leave?" Liam asked after the movie finished. "Why can't you spend the night with me."

"I can't Li."

"But why?" He asked me. Pulling me onto the bed.

"It's just that... I came to be with Zayn. I'm scared it would hurt him too much if I ignore him the whole time."

"You can't stay here just a few nights at a time?"

"I don't know Liam..."

"Ok babe." He said pecking my lips softly. "But maybe you could ask him. It couldn't hurt."

I nodded and kissed him. "Get some sleep Li. It's late."

I left his room and shut the door. I sighed because I really want to stay with him. But I have to at least give Zayn the nights. I went up the stairs and into Zayn's bedroom. He was sitting there on his phone in the bed. He refuses to fall asleep when I'm not there. Even when he is completely knackered. He smiled at me.

"Did you have fun with Li?"

"Yeah. We went to the park and then to this Italian restaurant." I said taking off my jeans and slipping on my sweats.

Where there a lot of girls today?"

"Actually... There wasn't. It was weird but there weren't a lot of screaming fans. It was really peaceful." I went over to my side of the bed. Slipped under the covers and Zayn put his arm around me. I laid my head in the crook of his neck and watched him on twitter.

"It gets annoying doesn't it." He laughed. "I love the fans but it's great to get peace and quiet for once right."

"Yeah." I smiled.

Zayn chuckled and shut off his phone. I snuggled up to him and kissed his cheek.

"HEY! Do you know what day it is?" Zayn asked.

I rolled my eyes. It was 12 AM. I took a deep breath. "The 23rd..."

"And what day is the the 23rd?"

"My birthday..." I was trying to avoid today. Even though I got to spend it with Zayn, I still hate my birthday. I don't really like getting gifts. But it's whatever.

"Happy Nineteenth Birthday AirBear." He said with a giant smile on his face. "Now we are the same age"

"Well if that's how you see it Zaynikans then thank you. Now go to sleep. The faster we can get through this day the better." He snorted and pulled me close.

We drifted off to sleep.


"Come on Aaron! Wake up!" Zayn said jumping on the bed. I was only half awake. And knowing what today was I would like to be completely out.

"Leave me alone Zayn! Let me sleep!"

"But I have such a fun birthday planned out..."

I sat up and scratched my head while yawning. "Ok fine. But only for you." He laughed and hopped off the bed. I got out of the bed and brushed my teeth. When I got out Liam was standing there. "Hey Babe." He said. "Happy Birthday." I smiled and jumped into his arms and pecked his lips.

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