Chapter 14

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Afterwards, Liam took me out on a dinner date. He wanted Asian food and I really didn't feel like arguing. So Asian food it was.

We went to a Thai restaurant that we heard was a nice place. It was like 10 minutes outside of the city, which was good because we could do without the pap.

We pulled up to the place and went inside where we found a dining room that was almost completely bare. It had a nice feel though, the room. A nice homey feel.

The waitress greeted us with a warm smile and Liam asked if we could be seated away from everyone else. So she took us to the far back of the place to a dim booth. It was a table with pillows on the seats. She asked if we could remove our shoes before sitting down, which was more traditional to the Asian culture.

The woman took our drink orders and left us alone to decide on a meal.

I opened my menu and scanned over the dishes for something I would actually like.

"The food looks absolutely delicious." Liam commented.

I bit my lip as I tried to decipher some unfamiliar words.

I pointed at a word.

"Li, does that mean it's really spicy?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I think so."

After a while I just gave up, and with a dejected sigh I plopped my menu back on the table.

"I'll just get whatever you get baby." I said.

"And don't ask what it is, just eat it. Because I think you should try new things babe."

The waitress came with our drinks and took Liam's order for himself and I. He also ordered some sushi rolls to eat as an appetizer.

I have this habit where I just get fixed on a part of Liam and I just can't stop staring. Like his lips or his eyes. As he ordered, I watched his lips form different shapes as he spoke. I watched his eyes and the way the corners crinkled when he smiled. I watched his eyebrow raise when he realized I was staring.

"Is there something on my face?" He giggled.

I laughed. "No. I just really missed you, that's all."

A plate of sushi rolls was placed in front of us.

If there was one thing I knew about Asian food, it would have to be sushi.

As we dug into our appetizer, Liam started a new conversation. "Your mom knows about us, correct?"

I nodded. "Yeah, why?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. I've just had this urge to tell my mom about you."

"She doesn't know?"

"Well she suspects something." He smiled. "She has her way of knowing things."

"So she knows of me?"

He nodded. "But I would only completely tell her if it was okay with you."

"I'm only okay with it if it's okay with you Liam."

He grinned. "I can't wait for you to meet her as my boyfriend." He looked around a second before leaning across the table and planting a kiss on my lips.

After that our meal came and I enjoyed the meal Liam ordered for me without asking any questions on what it was. Liam held my hand as we drove back home.

"Should we tell anyone else?" He questioned.

I shook my head and brought his hand up to my cheek and leaned on it.

After a little silence he asked. "Why?"

I took a deep breath. "Because you're so famous Li-"

"But I want to."

"I'm not what's important. Your career is much bigger than me right now. I don't want to jeopardize anything."

He cupped my cheek with his free hand. "My career could never amount to you. And nothing that they could ever say about us matters to me."

I pulled his big warm hand into mine. "You can say that now, but when you experience the pain, the hate, you'll want nothing to do with me."

He pulled his hand away from me.

"How could you say that?" He grumbled.

I slumped back into my chair a bit dejected.

"I'm sorry but you're just so difficult sometimes." He said.

"Difficult?" I repeated his words back to him angrily. How was I difficult?

We drove in silence until we reached our building. We quietly made our way up to our floor where I tried to avoid Liam for a while and he tried to avoid me.

I sat in the sitting room on my phone for about a half hour until Liam stepped in.

"Hey." He murmured, like he hadn't seen me in a while.

"Hey." I said stupidly. I held my arms out to him, much like a child would to his teddy bear.

He reluctantly laid on my chest and crossed his arms. I placed my chin on his head.

"I hadn't thought about what you've been through. How ignorant of me to forget about how you might feel." He said solemnly.

"I just don't want to put you through that Liam."

Liam left it at that and there wasn't much left to say on the topic.

After a beat of silence. "Are you still upset Aaron?"


"Do you still want to stay tonight? Or will you go back to the hospital."

"I dunno."

Liam sighed. "Well if you stay, we could cuddle and watch a movie like we used to. Then we could talk for a little. Or laugh a little. Then I'll kiss you goodnight like I always do. And hold you like I always have."

I giggled. "I would like that Li Li."

"Then don't go babe. Stay with me."

He's not just asking me to stay with him for the night, but to stay with him permanently. And if I were to go to the hospital then that's telling him who I ultimately want to be with. If he were to sleep without me tonight, then he could expect to be sleeping without me forever. This is where he is drawing the line and he's giving me a choice; him or Zayn.

And the choice was easy.


I loaded the rest of my clothes into Liam's draw and plopped into his bed. He pulled me in close from behind and kissed my neck.

When Zayn comes back, he'll find my clothes gone. But I guess he won't be surprised.

"All mine?" He smiled.

"I'm completely yours."

I could feel his growing excitement on the back of my thigh. He hovered over me and kissed my neck.

"Prove it to me." He smirked.

I smiled cheekily before kissing him a little rough and unfastening his belt.


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