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              Amy slept at Izzy's place all night. When she woke up in the morning the sky was still dark, but grey light was beginning to filter over the sky in the east. Izzy was trying to stall her until Axl came back, but she wasn't stupid, she knew something was going on with Axl, and she was impatient for answers. 

But Izzy never gave her a clear answer, and she was thinking he was either really good at doing whatever it was Axl had said he should do, or he is the most frustrating human being on earth. When she asked if he was going to be coming back and he replied with he always leaves when I'm sleeping, she scoffed and she was done trying. 

"Can I at least get some breakfast if you're not going to give me any answers?" 

Izzy had a victorious smirk at her defeat, "Sure." Izzy turned out the door to go collect food. She looked out the window, she wasn't used to seeing the field with this view. She heard somebody enter the room again, she turned around expecting Izzy, but Izzy's mother stood in the doorway. 

She looked pretty shocked to see a fourteen-year-old girl sitting in her son's bedroom, and Amy had met Izzy and she could only guess why. His mother had a dropped jaw, and Amy had to guess whatever kind of guests Izzy had in here, were usually sneaky, and his mother was unaware he ever had visitors at all. 

She stammered, "Young lady why are in you in my son's bedroom?" She asked with a slight demand in her tone, but she was mostly stuttering, like she was trying to sound like a strict mother, but she was pretty in shock. 

Amy thought of how she could answer and not make it seem like she had sex with her son, and she didn't, but a panicky mother could easily misinterpret her reply. "Uh, I'm gonna tell you the truth, okay? And I swear on my life, there's nothing you should concern about, I just don't want you to freak out when I tell you that I spent the night here." 

She looked on the verge of freaking out just as she said, but before she replied, Amy cut her off and explained everything. Amy figured she may as well tell her the whole truth, seemingly the only way she could explain her presence all the while letting Mrs. Isbell relax that her son didn't sleep with her. And she seemed to be calming down, and she had a thoughtful, understanding look in her eyes when she described her situation. 

When Amy was finished, Mrs. Isbell sighed, "Okay, Amy? Was it?" Amy nodded. "Okay Amy, I'm choosing to believe you, because you sound like a nice girl, and if that was a lie you're a slightly evil very clever girl who just made that up for my sympathy." 

Amy crossed her heart, "I swear on my mother's name that was the whole truth, ma'am."

Izzy stepped through the door and he had a startled, panicky look in his eyes to see his mother standing in the room with Amy. "Uh- Mom this is-uh-" 

Mrs. Isbell cut her son off, "Don't act so daft Jeffrey. This young lady explained everything, and it seems to me she is simply delightful, unlike some of your other guests you have here," she narrowed her eyes at him and he looked frantic. She pointed at him, "And listen young man, don't think you're so slick, having people over at night and thinking I know nothing about it all the time. You be grateful I only caught you now and all you have is this harmless young woman in here. So watch out mister," she pointed at him again and walked off.

Amy had the same uncontrollably amused grin her older brother did, and Izzy despised them both equally, and he figured she must've really enjoyed witnessing that conversation and Izzy's obvious fear of his mother.

Izzy eventually told Amy the truth, and that he didn't quite know where Axl was, and when he was coming back. He figured he would've returned by now like he said, but Axl didn't always stick to schedules, and he rarely showed up to anything on time. But it wasn't like this was Algebra class, it was just Amy here, and Izzy thought Axl would even be earlier than expected to get back to her. 

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