4. Bad Driver

367 9 14

March 9th, 1996


I sat on the sink counter inside of my tiny bathroom, fixing my curly, golden, blonde hair. I did some light make-up since I just didn't really feel like breaking out tomorrow.

I threw on one of my old metallica Tees from a few years ago, along with some jean shorts, and black converse.

I mean really, who was I tryin' to impress? Nobody.

I felt extremely on the fence about the whole situation. I doubt that they really enjoyed talking to me that much, to where they'd invite me to their concert to hang backstage with them.

I don't really know what the exact reason was, nor did I have any idea, but part of me felt it had to do with whatever is was that Kirk had whispered to James.

Of course if Kirk had anything to do with it, it more than likely wasn't good.

Nonetheless I wasn't gonna turn down a free concert, especially since I don't really have the money to go see anyone like that. The only concerts I really got to see, were the small bands that performed in the bar.

I don't know why, but the curiosity of what Kirk really did say to James wouldn't leave my head. Not that I even fucking care, it's just weird I suppose.

I heavily sighed, finishing up my makeup, and touching up my hair a bit. The phone the began to ring, so I lifted myself off the bathroom counter, and slowly made my way toward it.

I took a deep, exhausted breath, and pick up the phone hesitantly.

"Hello?" I questioned dryly.

"Hey Aurora, it's James!" His voice rang through the phone cheerfully.

How the fuck did he get my number, I thought I was supposed to call them.

"Hi James." I said trying to force a nicer sounding tone of voice.

"I just wanted to let y'know that one of us will come get ya' in about an hour. You're more than likely gonna need one of us with you to get past security." He continued, keeping it short and sweet.

"Sounds good, cya there." I sighed.

We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I genuinely don't know how I'm gonna enjoy my night, when I almost know douche-bag is gonna do everything he can to make me feel shitty.

I mean I'll obviously keep a poker face on in-front of them, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it'd suck ass.

To pass time I decided to go watch TV for a bit,
and maybe take shots. Lord knows I'll need them.


An hour and six shots later, I looked out of my tiny window to see a nice black car parked in front of the apartment building.

I assumed it was Lars for whatever reason, I knew it was one of the guys since nobody around here would be driving something like that.

I grabbed my small bag, throwing it over my shoulder and walking out of my front door, locking it securely.

I made my way toward the black car, which had darkly tinted windows. I was partly praying that I wasn't about to get kidnapped.

I hesitantly opened the passenger side door, looking in only to see Kirk. He was sitting there smoking a cigar, flipping through radio stations, not even looking in my direction.

Well this is just fucking fantastic.

I let put a sharp breath, before hesitantly sliding into the passenger seat, and closing the car door. Before I could even put on my seatbelt, Kirk had shifted the car into reverse, and began driving off.

His short, dark, curly hair looked like it had just gotten wet. He had on leather pants, and a black button down shirt, which was only halfway done.

God I hate this guy, but most of all I hated that some twisted part of me was slightly attracted to him.

"Really? You of all fucking people?" I finally let out frustratedly.

"Trust me sweetheart, I wasn't exactly thrilled about it either." He said coldly, taking a drag from his cigar.

I glared at him, but he only kept his eyes on the road, which he was indefinitely speeding and swerving down.

I huffed and crossed my arms, looking out the window to the side of me.

We sat in uncomfortable silence, for what felt like forever. There was so much tension between us, that you'd need a fucking chainsaw to cut through it.

He suddenly aggressively swerved, and I snapped my head to look at him. He looked completely un-phased.

"You're a really bad fucking driver you know that? You're gonna fucking kill me!" I snapped, glaring at him.

He scoffed, and rolled his eyes at me.

"Wouldn't be so bad." He muttered under his breath.

"What!" I shouted, slightly panicked.

"Y'know, I don't even know why they invited your ass." He scoffed again.

I just went silent, It hurt a bit for some reason, but I kept a straight face and returned to looking out my window.

I heard Kirk sigh with irritation, before he started shuffling through something. I had tuned out the sound of plastic clanking together, until I heard Children Of The Grave by Black Sabbath, start playing.

I slowly turned my head back towards him, biting the inside of my cheek as I debated on speaking.

"You like Sabbath?" I questioned.

He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, before returning his eyes to the road, and using one hand to turn the volume up. In reaction I only turned toward the window, staring out of it yet again.


We arrived at the venue, about 5 minutes later. We didn't speak the rest of that entire car ride.

"C'mon." He stated dryly.

I quickly got out of the car and followed behind him, through the waves of people. He'd occasionally look back at me, and paused to get closer if I had started to fall more than a few inches from behind him.

He shoved through the obnoxious amounts of people, sticking oddly close to me. Momentarily we'd gotten up to the security guard. As we approached him, Kirk quickly took my hand into his.

"She with me man." He said sweetly to the security guard, motioning his head back toward me.

The security guard nodded, and Kirk gave him a smile as we walked inside of the venue. Once we made our way inside, James came stampeding our way. When Kirk saw him, he dropped my hand and began storming off in the other direction.

James came over and engulfed me into a tight hug.

God this guy was a hugger.

"Hey A, glad you could make it!" He exclaimed cheerfully.

"Thank you for inviting me." I gave him a half smile.

"How was the ride?" He asked curiously.

"Did you really have to make Kirk drive me?" I sighed heavily.

"I didn't, actually I was gonna come get ya' but Kirk insisted on it." James shrugged.

I sat there momentarily. Processing that stupid piece of information, that mattered to me for whatever reason. Yet all I can think of is,

What the fuck?

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