13. The Record Store

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May 11th, 1996


Ever since our little... incident happened at James's place, there's been a weird tension between me an Kirk.

It's not the same type of resentful tension it used to be though, it was different now. It was the type of tension that made my heart start hammering inside of my chest, just from seeing him.

He would typically avoid me to the best of his ability when the guys were around. He'd look at anything in the room, but me.

Yet the second that everyone else would leave the room, he wouldn't follow along with them like he'd done before. He now stayed behind and would talk to me, of course he would clearly try to force an annoyed tone.

I wanted to think that maybe this was his way of trying to become friends with me, but then that moment from a week ago pops into my head. Which lead me to think it was possibly something more than that.

I decided that for my own sanity, it was better to brush that thought off.

I hated him, he hated me.

It couldn't be anything more than that, I can't let it be anything more than that. It can't fucking happen.

I suddenly heard a knock on my front door. It was around 4:30 in the afternoon, and I'd been near ready to start drowning myself in alcohol for the night.

I groaned in frustration, as I slowly made my way towards my door. I quickly opened it, in hopes of quickly starting and ending my conversation with whoever was that was there.

Unfortunately, and to my surprise I found Kirk standing on the other side of the door. So I knew almost instantly that this would take a while.

"Hi." He let out awkwardly after a moment.

"Hey Kirk?" I said furrowing my brows in confusion.

He stood there for a moment, trying to come up with how to say whatever it was that he was thinking. Subtly rocking on his heels as he did so.

"Kirk." I sighed, leaning against the doorframe.

He quickly snapped his attention out of his thoughts and toward me, raising his eyebrows waiting for me to talk.

"What are you doing here?" I asked calmly, trying my best to mask my slight irritation.

He paused for another moment, biting down on his lower lip, going back into thought. Shortly averting his attention to me once again.

"You wanna go to the record store with me?" He questioned abruptly.

I stared at him for a moment, a small smile creeping onto my lips. Deep down, I knew I shouldn't, but my curiosity got the best of me.

"Sure Kirk." I smiled calmly at him.

I saw a flash of excitement in his eyes before quickly putting back on his 'cool, dickhead, tough guy' front.

"Whatever, I was just asking 'cause James told me you like that shit, and we apparently 'need to get along' ." He rolled his eyes and threw up air quotes, before turning heel and walking towards his car.

I sighed, feeling a tinge of pain in my chest. I three on my sneakers and walked out the door.

I felt his eyes on me the entire time I was approaching the car. I silently slid into the car, looking out the window after I shut the door.

I saw him glance over at me, out of the corner of my eyes, as a small subtle frown tugged on his lips. He let out a sharp breath, as he shifted the gear, and pulling out of the driveway.


We'd shortly made it to the record store, not another word being said throughout the car ride.
I hastily got out of the car, and went into the shop door.

As we walked in, I heard Kirk greet the cashier, as he started to silently trail behind me like a lost puppy.

I walked up and down a few isles, before stopping and crouching down in-front of the Led Zeppelin records.

I smiled to myself excitedly as I shuffled through them, finally finding the Led Zep II album.

"You like Zeppelin?" I heard Kirk question from behind me.

I stood up, and turned around to look at him, his now seemingly taller figure was leaning against a shelf.

"Yea." I shrugged, before continuing down more isles.

I heard him sigh, before trailing after me once again.

This time I stopped in-front of the Megadeth vinyls, swiftly picking up Youthanasia, and holding it along with my Led Zep record.

"Fucking Megadeth? Seriously?" Kirk scoffed.

I turned around, glaring at him. He defensively threw his hands up.

I quickly paid for my stuff, as Kirk and I walked back towards his car. Both of us sliding into the car on either side.

I glanced over to him noticing he left empty handed, which was weird to me considering it was his fucking idea.

"Why didn't you get something?" I asked curiously, looking over at him.

"Didn't find anything." He shrugged, turning to look at me.

And then it happened again.

His gaze had once again turned from cold and dismissive, to inviting, and gentle.

We fucking did it again, we just stared at each other. My heart beat starting its cycle of rapidly picking up, Kirk inched closer to me.

It can't happen, I can't let it.

I abruptly cleared my throat, "Y'know I really gotta get home. I think I left the oven on."

He sighed, and nodded before driving. That thick tense silence, returning to fill the car.

A/N - Ah! So sorry for all the fillers! The next two chaps are fairly important so I just needed to build up to those. SORRY IF THESE HAVE BEEN BORING!! also if u think the story isn't going well, please let me know

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