16. I Didn't Let Go

453 11 30

May 30th, 1996


I sat inside the tiny bar I worked in, talking to the occasional customer that would walk in.

It was an early afternoon, so we weren't very busy at all. Which unfortunately for me, made my shift unbearably boring. There wasn't even a band playing here at the moment.

I sighed heavily, quickly looking around to make sure nobody was paying attention, before quickly sneaking a shot.

I groaned out of frustration, pleading for my shift to be over. I looked up towards the clock and saw I had a whopping 45 minutes left.

"Son of a bitch." I mutter to myself, staring back up at the almost eerily empty bar.

I sat there for a few moments more, mindlessly staring ahead of me, when I heard the entry bell ring. I snapped my head in the direction of the door, to see who may have walked in.

I was filled with relief when I saw James, smiling brightly coming towards me.

"What's up, Trouble?" He laughed as he sat down on a barstool across from me.

"Quite literally nothing, it's been like a ghost town in here all afternoon." I smiled at him, as I started making his drink.

He chuckled and we sat there talking for a while longer, making the 30 minutes left of my shift at that point all the more entertaining.

"Oh!" James exclaimed abruptly, setting his glass down on the counter. "I almost forgot to ask you, do you wanna come with us to the movies later?" He questioned grinning cheesily, looking at me as if he was plotting something.

I looked at him skeptically for a moment before answering, "Sure, I don't see why not." I shrugged, as I continued drying off shot glasses.

I looked at the clock, sighing with relief once I saw that my dreadful shift was finally over.

"Great! Kirk will pick you in about an hour!" He said cheerfully, going to get out of his seat.

"Kirk?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

"Yea, Lars and I...have something we have to sort out beforehand so we were gonna have Kirk get you. I thought you two were good now?" He questioned, looking like he knew all too well what he was doing.

This was his little plot, I knew damn well him and Lars didn't have shit to do.

"I guess you're right." I sighed, coming out from behind the bar to walk alongside James.

James smiled at me victoriously.

"Does he know he's picking me up?" I asked curiously, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, uh-huh." He smiled slyly.

I shook my head to myself, before parting ways with James. I walked back in the direction of my small, dingy apartment.

I finally arrived home, and ended up spending about half an hour getting ready. Mostly I spent the time in the shower, trying to wash the strong smell of alcohol, and marijuana off of my skin.

Once I got out of the shower, I quickly got dressed and did my hair.

I put on a pair of comfortable baggy jeans, along with an oversized Megadeth T-shirt, just for shits and giggles.

I really wasn't trying to impress anyone, so I also decided to not do my makeup.

I quickly decided to touch up my messy, dirty blonde curls. Once I was most of the way satisfied with how my hair looked, I walked downstairs and sat on my old, torn up sofa, contently staring at the TV that sat on my floor.

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