6. No Sense

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March 12th, 1996


A few days have gone by since the Metallica concert. Once I'd calmed myself and tried to brush off my interaction with Kirk, it was actually pretty enjoyable.

They were actually really good live, I'd forgotten how much I loved their earlier music. They ended up playing a lot of songs off Kill 'Em All, which happened to be my favorite album of theirs.

I'd occasionally see Kirk sending glares, but at that point I just tried to brush it off to the best of my ability.

I just truly don't understand why he hates me so much.

I'm just gonna use my weekend to try and forget about it though. James and I have talked on the phone nearly everyday since the concert, I honestly think we're starting to become friends.

I've never really had any genuine friends, mainly out of fear like I've said before. Typically I don't trust very easily, but James was very quick to gain it.

Shockingly, it's nice to actually have someone to talk to, and check up on you. I've been flying solo for so long that I never really allowed myself to have that.

I walked into my kitchen, sleepily rubbing my eyes, and began making a pot of coffee. It was around 7am, for whatever reason I woke up early.

As I waited for my coffee to finish brewing, I walked over and flopped onto my old, torn up couch. I lazily grabbed the remote for the big boxy TV that sat on my floor, momentarily flipping through channels until I found The Karate Kid playing on one.

I remember the first time I watched it when it came out, I was around 11 or 12, and I had the fattest crush on Ralph Macchio.

After contently watching it, for about seven to eight minutes, the coffee pot had beeped signaling it was done.

I slowly gathered myself up off of my couch, and walked over to the coffee pot, and pouring a portion of it into the mug I had set out.

I grabbed my coffee creamer out from my fridge, and pour a bit in, before hearing a knock at my door.

For fucks sake, who needed something at seven in. the fucking morning?

I sighed heavily, setting down my coffee mug, and sluggishly making my way over to the front door.

I hesitated momentarily, I wasn't awake enough to deal with someone's bullshit right now. Nonetheless I opened it anyway, only to see Kirk fucking Hammett standing in-front of me.

My eyes slightly widened with surprise, as I stared at him for a moment in confusion before letting out a heavy sigh.

"What do you want, man?" AI questioned groggily.

"I just wanted to apologize about the other day." He swallowed hard, shrugging as he looked down at his shoes.

I slightly furrowed my brows, continuing to look at him like he's fucking stupid for a few more moments.

"Kirk, did you hit your head?" I asked sarcastically, but it was somewhat genuine.

He huffed out a breath, in slight irritation.

"Aurora look, I'm sorry alright? I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, it was a shitty thing to do. I never even use that fucking guitar anyways, and for what it's worth you're actually a pretty good guitar player." He spoke sincerely, slightly frowning.

I spent a second processing the fact that, he actually apologized to me.

"Did James make you come apologize?" I questioned, furrowing my brows in confusion.

"No, I wanted to myself." He said, slight irritation growing in his tone.

My confused expression amplified, as I continued to stare at him in disbelief.

"Quit fucking looking at me like that!" He snapped finally.

"I don't get you, man." I said quietly.

"The fucks that supposed to mean?" He snapped again.

"I mean, you act like you fucking hate me, and you're rude as fuck to me. Yet, I have all these people telling me shit, like apparently you offered to take me to the concert, you talk about me to people, and you apparently decided to come fucking apologize to me on your own. I just don't get it, Kirk." I sighed heavily, quickly looking down at my shoes.

He stared at me with a completely blank expression, for what felt like forever. Eventually mumbling something under his breath, and walking away.


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