9. Just Try

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April 19th, 1996


It's been well around a month, and I haven't seen nor heard from Kirk since the restaurant incident. Nobody's told me about him, I haven't accidentally seen him anywhere, it was like he dropped of the face of the planet.

As much as I hated to admit it, I partially missed his stupid snarky comments. I couldn't for the life of my explain why, but I did.

I felt like shit after snapping at him to leave me alone like that, but in the moment I felt like nothing I could say would change his behavior.

No pleading, no trying to level, no sob story, nothing. It was also in the heat of the moment after he called me a stuck up bitch or whatever.

Of course this past month had been peaceful, but that was fucking boring.

I really did regret telling him to just fuck off like that, and looking back on it maybe we could've talked something out.

James nudged my elbow with his, snapping me out of the stare that I was formerly in. He laughed slightly at me before taking a sip of the drink that was in his hand.

We were inside the small diner that was near my apartment. It started to become a tradition for James and I to come here every week.

"So A, you plannin' on movin' outta that shithole anytime soon?" He questioned, raising eyebrows at me.

I sighed heavily, and followed it up with a shrug.

"I don't have anywhere near enough money right now, I can barely afford the shit box as it is." I took another drink from my glass.

"You can't stay there forever y'know. You can always stay with me if you wanna." He frowned slightly.

"I know, I know." I muttered, resting my chin on the palm of my hand.

James quickly rubbed my shoulder, then at the same time we both reached to take a drink. Cracking a little laugh at each-other.

In the time it's been since I met him at my bar that day, Names had probably become my best friend. Never in my life did I ever think Id have a best friend, let alone that friend be James fucking  Hetfield.

I wouldn't trade him for the world though.

It took a bit of time, but James was the first and only person in my life, in a long ass time who'd fully earned my trust.

James cleared his throat, yet again awakening me from my previousthoughts.

"A little somebody, was asking about how you were this morning." He said raising his brows at me.

"And who may that be?" I questioned, taking another sip from my whiskey glass.

"Good Ol' Kirky." He smirked and nudged my arm again.

I huffed, turning back towards my drink, as I felt slight butterflies swarm my stomach.

"y'know even though you get on his nerves , I'd bet money on the fact that he misses havin you around a bit." James smiled to himself.

"I don't know James." I spoke unsurely, awkwardly twirling a dirty blonde ringlet of mine around my finger. I knew exactly where this was going.

"just try getting along with him, for me? The other two miss havin' you around and we all only really hangout together when kirks there, so atleast try, please." He sighed with defeat.

Before I could open my mouth to respond, our waitress came over with our food.

A/N - sorry for the short filler! I wanted to post and I was falling asleep as I wrote this lmfao

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