18. Was I Dreaming?

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June 17th, 1996

The soft morning sunlight seeped into the living room through the thin, shitty blinds which covered the windows in my apartment.

I let out a long heavy sigh, feeling that whatever it was that I was laying on, move slightly. I slowly opened my eyes due to sheer morbid curiosity, because the last time I checked couches don't have heartbeats.

Everything from last night came flooding back to my as my eyes were met with kirk's peaceful sleeping face. Only a moment later did i also realize...

...we were fucking cuddling.

My eyes were wide as saucers, and I carefully made my way off of him. I did everything I could to ensure i didn't wake him up. I then ran to the bathroom, turning on the cold water in the sink and immediately dunking my head into the water.

How the hell did I end up cuddling with him? I remember possibly falling asleep on his shoulder, but sure as hell not snuggling up, and gettin' cozy with him.

I sat on the bathroom counter, thinking about it for a while. I know to most people that's not a big deal, but for me it was. Maybe it's stupid, but when you've spent your entire life trying to avoid getting close to people, things like that tend to throw you through a loop.

I hated how safe it felt, I hated how warm and comforting he felt, I hated how close he was holding me, but mostly I hated how much I craved to do that with him again, and I hated how much I loved it.

I couldn't think straight, my mind just kept replying it over and over. Part of me wishes I would've stayed there and acted as if I never woke up.

After about 15 minutes or so, I walked out the bathroom and decided to make some coffee. While I waited for it to brew, I couldn't help but admire Kirk as he slept.

He looked so peaceful, his usual cocky demeanor was absent from his face, and his gorgeous features just sat calmly.

I let out a soft sigh and turned my attention back to the working coffee pot. I zoned out for a while, but snapped out of it after feeling a hand gently rest on my left hip.

I jump, and spun around to see Kirk standing merely an inch behind me.

He was looking down at me, a soft and relaxed expression resting on his face. His big, gorgeous, brown eyes, gently looking into my own, and his hand not leaving my hip for a second.

I swallowed hard, looking up at him with a slightly anxious expression creeping up on my face.

It was happening again.

He slowly inched closer to my face, until our noses where nearly touching. For the first time, neither of us tried to get away.

And by us I mainly mean me.

I let out a long shaky breath, my heart beating more and more rapidly by the second. It was pounding so hard it my chest that I could hear it in my ears, and my stomach had dropped to my ass.

"Rori..." He spoke quietly, his voice cracking and barely above a whisper.

"Kirk...what are you doing?" My tone was equally as quiet, and my voice was shaking.

He let out a heavy sigh, and backed away from me. He leaned back against the kitchen counter, crossing his arms, as he studied my face with his brows furrowed together.

"Do I need to spell it out for you?" He questioned, his tone now a bit more stern.

I looked at him, growing increasingly more anxious.

He sighed yet again, briefly looking away before refocusing on me.

"Aurora, I cant keep doing this. I tried to keep my guard up, but you have broken your way through and there's no going back from that, baby." He said softly, yet sincerely. Getting back up, and inching toward me again.

My words caught in my throat, and my mind went totally blank. I couldn't say anything, so I simply just stared at him.

He softly shook his head to himself, then gently placed a hand on the side of my face, softly stroking my cheek with his thumb. A small smile tugged on his lips.

"God damn it, Rori." He whispered softly.

He gazed into my eyes for a few seconds, before pressing his lips against mine. I hesitated for a moment out of shock, but I couldn't help kissing him back.

We stood there, softly yet passionately kissing each other for a few moments. Kirk's other hand snaked around my waist, and the one the was on my cheek had slid down to my neck.

His kisses started getting rougher and sloppier, as if he couldn't get enough. He backed me against the counter, deepening the kiss, and letting out the occasional soft moan as we kissed.

We kept making in my small kitchen, for what felt like forever. Until he finally pulled away slowly, resting his forehead against mine and gazing into my eyes softly for a few moments.

He awkwardly cleared his throat, "I gotta go..." He whispers, his breath brushing against my face.

He flashed his signature cocky smile at me, quickly kissed my cheek and swiftly walked out the door.

I stood there, staring at the door he'd just left through, processing everything that'd just happened between him and I. Honest to god it didn't even feel real, I was partially convinced I was just dreaming, repeatedly wondering as it real or just a cruel fantasy of mine?

But low and behold it was real, it was probably the realest shit i've ever experienced.

I fucking made-out with Kirk Hammett.

My train of thought was shortly interrupted, by the ear piercing ring of the phone.

I sighed softly and took the phone off the wall, not particularly in the mood to speak to anyone. That was until I heard James's voice blare through the phone.

"You fucking made out with him!" He shouted with pure excitement.

I wish someone would've told me right then, that I had another thing fucking comin' for me.

hey y'all! so sorry for not updating this for like 2 months i'll definitely get back into doing it as frequently as I can! Also I low-key wanna TRY to write a smut chapter but I dunno how y'all feel about that so let me know!

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