10. Cigarettes

324 11 14

April 28th, 1996


It took nearly a week of James trying to convince me, but I finally agreed to hangout with the band. Unfortunately they were going to Kirks house so I didn't really have much of a choice on avoiding him.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly nervous, I didn't know what to expect from him. Actually I don't even know if he knew that I was supposed to come.

I've been bracing myself to stay stone faced through any comments he might make. I've let my guard down every time he says something, and that cannot fucking happen.

I also decided against dressing up. So I just threw on an old Suicidal Tendencies shirt that I found, along with some baggy jeans, allowing my dirty blonde hair to fall in its natural ringlet pattern.

I heard a steady knock on the hallow apartment door, immediately assuming it was James. I grabbed a box of cigarettes, and stuffed them in my pocket before jogging toward the door.

I quickly opened it to reveal the smiley, tall blonde. He gave me a cheesy grin, which I knew by now, never meant anything good.

"You ready to go, A?" He questioned eagerly.

"Ready to get insulted?" I retorted sarcastically.

James laughed to himself and shook his head slightly.

"He's not gonna bother you, A. I promise." James said reassuringly, throwing an arm over my shoulder and leading me toward the car.

"If you say so." I shrugged.


Kirk's house was roughly twenty minutes away from my apartment.

James and I just talked and listened to music the whole time, I even ended up getting him to listen to Megadeth at one point.

He hated it, but it was fucking hilarious.

We had eventually got there, and holy shit. Kirk had one of the biggest, prettiest houses I'd ever seen, I started at it with my jaw on the floor for a few moments.

I'd die to live somewhere like this.

"C'mon Aurora!" James called out to me, seeing as I was still in the driveway gawking at Kirks house.

I quickly ran up to James, trailing behind him like a scared, lost puppy, as we walked into the door.

The second we walked in the door, I heard loud laughter coming from another room over. Each step we took toward the now loudening laughter, I felt my heart pound heavier inside of my chest.

James turned around to me before we walked out of the hallway, and mouth 'Stay here' at me. I nodded as he walked ahead.

"Guess who I brought!" James said excitedly.

"Strippers?" I heard Lars question.

I could practically feel James roll his eyes at Lars, before he came over and grabbed my arm, pulling me to where they could now see me.

"Aurora!" Jason shouted cheerfully, running over to give me a hug, Lars not to far behind him.

I awkwardly waved, before I was practically tackled.

As nice as it was to see them, there was really only one person who I was concerned about at the moment.

I looked over Jason's shoulder, seeing Kirk sitting on a couch with a beer in his hand. He was staring directly at me, and once he realized I caught his gaze, he gave me a small smile and subtly waved at me.

I hesitantly returned a smile, feeling my stomach drop to my ass.

Shortly Jason and Lars let go of me, and returned to their spots. James handed me a beer as he led me toward where the rest of the guys were sitting.

James had decided to sit on the same couch as Kirk, leaving a space between the two and patting it, signaling for me to sit there. I shot him a glare before slowly sitting down, but James only smirked to himself.

I snuck a quick glance at Kirk, who had begun talking to Lars. I sighed heavily to myself, before turning back to talk with Jason and James.

Right as I did so I felt Kirk inch closer to me, causing me to snap my head towards him. He was still talking to Lars, but now he had a subtle cheesy smirk on his face.

Stupid little thing like the went on for about half an hour. He'd inch closer to me until he was practically laying on me, or poke me, or just something to slightly tick me off.

Once I started to get irritated, I stood up and walked toward the from door. I heard someone call my name and ask where I was going, but I wasn't sure who it was.

I opened the front door, slinging against the wall to sit down. I took the pack of cigarettes out of my pocket, putting one between my lips before lighting it.

After about five minutes I heard the front door swing open, I assumed was James so I looked up, only to be met with Kirk's big brown eyes, and short curly hair.

"Oh. I thought you left." He muttered, slowly stepping outside, closing the door behind him.

"Nope, just needed to smoke." I said awkwardly, twirling the cigarette in my hand for a second.

He let out a sharp breath, as he pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded. I assumed he'd just go back inside, but instead he sat down against the wall next to me.

I guess I should just stop assuming at this point.

We sat silently for a moment before he looked over at me.

"Got anymore?" He sighed defeatedly.

I smiled slightly, handing him the box. I watched as he took one out, and placed it between his lips.

He looked at me, before snatching my light from my pocket. Which had left me slightly dumbfounded.

We sat there for about ten more minutes, not saying another single word. Simply just smoking cigarettes together, and the weirdest part is.

I didn't mind it at all.

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