14. Clubs Ain't For Everyone

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May 26th, 1996


It's safe to say that I've been avoiding Kirk since our little trip to the record store. I couldn't do it, I just couldn't.

It all started to grow far too confusing for me, and if I didn't interrupt it, I don't know what would've happened.

Everything had started to become so overwhelming, and to be totally straight forward, I think I'm losing my goddamn mind.

Which is the perfect reason for me to go to a club, and get so fucking drunk I can't even remember my own name.

James and the rest of the 'Tallica guys were going to some uppity club later tonight with a few other bands. I'm guessing it was some type of party for an occasion I know nothing about, but I managed to convince James to let me tag along.

I just needed it for the night, typically those fancy clubs have good alcohol. I can really only afford to buy Jack most the time, that or if I want my personal alcohol supply to last longer I'll buy some shitty beer.

It was around eight o'clock, James said he'd pick me up in about five minutes. I was quickly finishing up my makeup, and touching up my hair.

I had found an old right fitting black dress, and decided to wear it. It wasn't too overly fancy, but it wasn't too casual, so I deemed it good enough.

I put some socks on, before slipping my black converse on after them. I never learned how to walk in heels, anytime I tried I ended up spraining my ankle. I really wish I could, but I'd rather not fall down and snap my ankles off tonight, in-front of the possible hot guys that could be there.

Just as I finished tying my shoes and grabbing my bag, I heard a knock at the door. Chuckling to myself at James's timing.

I happily ran towards the door, excitedly opening it to sees a not so excited looking James.

"Can we go now?" I asked excitedly, smiling brightly.

"Jesus, I've never seen you this fucking excited before. It's freaking me out." He grumbled.

"I get to have free fancy alcohol tonight, why wouldn't I be excited?" I shouted back at him, as I sprinted towards his car.

I saw James lightly chuckle and shake his head to himself, before he began walking towards the car.

He eventually got into the car, double checking that I wanted to go, and shortly after drove off.


Half an hour later, we arrived at the small, obnoxiously guarded club.

I was about to get so fucking drunk, and I was so excited.

James cut off the engine, and turned to me.

"Okay, before you get completely shit faced, there's gonna be some people in here who I want you to talk to. So please, for fucks sake just do that for me before you go do something stupid." He sighed, running his hand down his face.

"Yea sure." I shrugged dryly.

I wasn't necessarily in the mood to socialize, with who I was assuming, was a bunch of managers and producers.

Surely enough once we got in there, I was standing along side James, primarily talking to producers, and managers. Occasionally a few cool guys from other bands would come up, but for the most part I was painfully bored.

After a few more dreadfully boring moments I managed to slip away un-noticed. I looked around the crowded, loud, building not seeing anywhere for me to really go. The only choice I had was Lars, and fucking Kirk.

I defeatedly sighed to myself, knowing I had no other options.

I grabbed some random drink from the bartender, and made my way over to their table.

They were clearly arguing about something, or they were in a heated conversation at least. Once I started to get closer, Kirk saw me and kicked Lars under the table, before they returned to acting 'normal'.

"What's up hot stuff!" Lars said sarcastically, giggling to himself a she subtly glanced over to Kirk.

"Hey Lars." I smiled, taking a sip of my drink as I sat down next to him.

"Hi Rori." Kirk muttered as he lit a cigar.

I raised my eyebrows at him, due to the nick name. I had felt those stupid goddamn butterflies spiraling inside of me again.

He didn't look at me, but I never actually said anything. I honestly liked the nickname, so I wasn't gonna make a fuss over it.

"Alright fockers, I gotta piss." Lars groaned, crawling overtop of the table and sprinting for the bathroom.

I giggled to myself, and then realized Kirk and I were left alone. That was when I started to freak out. I felt my breathing pick up, not that I was scared, just extremely fucking anxious.

"Rori? Are you alright?" Kirk questioned lowly, gently putting a handle on my shoulder.

I swallowed hard, slowly nodding before abruptly getting up from the table. I almost immediately got up and went to find James.

I wandered around for a bit, before finding James standing at the bar. I quickly ran up to him.

"Where the hell did you go, Aurora?" He asked,
slight hints of irritation in his voice.

"I was talking to Lars." I shrugged, it technically wasn't a lie.

James sighed, and we just sat there and talked for a short period. Which was until we were interrupted.

"Son of a bitch!" I heard a voice say from behind me.

I looked at James, who looked behind me. A small smiled creeping onto his face.

"Holy shit! How've you been man?" James exclaimed, Jumping up and walking behind me.

I finally decided to turn around and see whoever it was talking behind me.

I turned around for my eyes to be met with a tall Ginger man.

Dave fucking Mustaine, was standing less than a foot behind me right now.

"Who's this pretty girl?" Dave questioned at Jame, throwing and arm around my shoulder.

At that moment, I happened to glance over at Kirk. He was starting daggers at Dave and I, I just tried to brush it off though. Assuming it was due just to some long term, beef the two had.

"Dave, this is a good friend of mine Aurora Taylor." James smiled at me, motioning his hand at me.

We all sat there for a while, all three conversing with one another, and had a few drinks. I was also googly eyed over the fact that Dave Mustaine had his arm around me.

After a while, when I was mid conversation, I felt a firm yet gentle grip grab my arm. I turned my head to see that it was Kirk.

I furrowed my brows at him, i'm confusion.

"We need to talk." He said lowly, through his clenched jaw.

Before I could respond, I was being dragged away from James and Dave.

"Where the hell are they going?" Dave asked, turning his head to James.

"Who knows." James shrugged.

"Well, I guess clubs just aren't for everyone."' Dave chuckled, taking a sip of his whiskey.

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