17. Ironic

423 9 18

June 16th, 1996


In the past few weeks, I've started hanging around with 'Tallica a whole lot more. At first, I tried to deny to myself that I liked their company, but I actually liked having friends.

Meeting them had made me realize, building up those highly towered walls, had blocked me off from allowing myself to have any sort of fun.

Throughout my entire childhood, and my teenage years, I can't think of one person who came remotely close to being my friend. That was until these dumbasses came stumbling in.

Unfortunately, there were some things I still would rather not acknowledge, or admit to myself. One of those things being, the unbearable sexual tension between me and Kirk. Seriously, anytime we were near each-other, everyone can feel it between us.

I honest to god, tried to brush it off until James started making jokes about how, 'Kirk was practically eating me with his eyes.'

Yea, right...

James and Lars, had started shoving Kirk and I around each other more frequently too. If I went to the bar with them, they'd all suddenly leave without saying anything, leaving Kirk and I alone, or if Kirk goes of to do something they'll make me go with him and claim he needs 'help'.

Honestly, I recently just can't stop thinking about those little moments I'll have with him. I can't stop thinking about how I actually enjoyed them.

I don't understand how I can go from hating someone's guts, to almost craving their touch. I no longer can deny the fact that I no longer hate him.

I've always told myself I'd never get involved with someone, that I'd never let myself get hurt and thrown away.

Each day I feel myself slipping closer to admitting something to myself, that I'll kick myself in the ass for feeling.

Hell, I was starting to miss him when he wasn't with me. I haven't seen him in three or four days, and yet again, as much as I hated it, I had started to miss his presence.

I sat on my couch, next to my phone, simply staring at it as I pondered on wether I should call him or not.

I had been in a mental third world war with myself, for the past five minutes about it. I harshly bit down on my bottom lip as I contemplated it.

On one hand, I knew deep down that I should really just quit being a pussy and call him, however I also didn't wanna let go of my pride.

I sat there for a few agonizing moments longer, when the phone suddenly began ringing. It caused me to slightly jump a bit, separating me from my deep mental combat.

I sighed heavily, pick up the phone, not really giving much thought into who could've possibly been calling.

"Hello?" I questioned semi-quietly, with a slight hint of irritation in my voice.

I heard a man awkwardly clear his throat on the other end, a few moments of silence following it.

"Aurora?" Kirk's voice spoke lowly, after a minute.

A wave of relief washed over me once I had figured out it was him, and I was also hit with the massive irony of the situation. That didn't necessarily matter though, so I just quietly smiled to myself a bit.

"Hi Kirk." I sighed, trying to refrain from sounding too enthusiastic.

He stayed quiet for a moment, and sighed before he spoke up again, "I'm just gonna get straight to the point Rori, can I come over?"

I was a bit taken aback by this, it's not necessarily what I expected to come from him. I wasn't sure what his intentions were either.

"Can I ask why?" I replied, trying to have a calm tone to my voice. Hiding the fact that I was practically shitting myself on the inside.

"I just wanna see you, alright?" He mumbled frustratedly, as if that was something he didn't want to admit out loud. "Could we just watch a movie or some shit? I just wanna see you Rori." He continued with a sigh.

I felt a smile creeping up on to my face again as he spoke, I tried to hold it back but eventually gave up.

Nobody could see, so...

... it won't kill me, right?

I pondered on my response for a bit longer, feeling a fluttery sensation in my stomach as his words echoed through my head.

He really wanted to see me?

I took a deep, exaggerated breath before speaking again, "I guess that's alright with me, when are you coming over?" I asked, with a little tinge of excitement, breaking through in my tone.

"Hell, I'll leave now." I could practically hear him smiling through the phone. "Be there in ten Rori."

I waited practically bouncing on my toes for those ten agonizing minutes. I tried to suppress my excitement as much as I could, but it felt almost pointless after a good minute of trying. It was really no use.

I finally heard a dramatic knock on my door, knowing instantly that it was Kirk. I stood up, taking a deep breath and putting on a straight face, not wanting my excitement to be apparent.

I twisted the doorknob and pulled the door back, revealing Kirk. His short dark curls were slightly damp, and his lip piercing was faintly glimmering from my porch light, as he smirked down at me.

"Hey Trouble." He smiled, leaning on the doorframe momentarily before walking into my shitty apartment, and flopping down on the couch.

I smiled softly at him, slightly shaking my head to myself as I shut the front door.

"There's a new horror movie that came out." He stated as he dug through his jacket pocket, pulling out a tape and throwing it to me.

I nodded, nearly dropping the tape, causing Kirk to start laughing hysterically. I jokingly rolled my eyes, and put the tape into my TV, then sitting on the couch with him.

I didn't sit too close, but I also didn't sit too far.

We sat and watched the movie for a while, Kirk frequently making comments about how lame the movie was, or how generic part of the plot line was. None of which statement's were untrue.

I'm not quite sure when it happened, but I eventually started to get extremely tired, practically fighting myself just to keep my eyelids open.

I subconsciously slumped over onto Kirk, my head laying on his chest. I felt his body stiffen for a good minute, in a 'What the fuck?' type of way, but I was too god damn exhausted to do anything.

Shortly he relaxed though, and before I completely lost to my exhaustion, I heard him breathily chuckle to himself before, I felt his arm slither around me.

Every damn time we were near each other, it got more and more touchy. I simply just let it happen too, and I wasn't even mad at myself about it anymore. Now, I just had to grow the balls to admit to myself, that I may feel something for him.


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