7. Why Do You Hate Me?

333 10 15

March 16th, 1996


James called me about an hour ago, asking if I'd go to lunch with him and the band. I honestly was hesitant about it, but James is fairly persistent with trying to get me to go places.

I was also curious to see how Kirk would act after our little interaction the other day. Which I still don't understand in the slightest, I'm starting to think he's bipolar or some shit.

He said it was some casual little diner that was down the road from my house, so I personally deemed it so, that I didn't need to dress up too much.

I threw on a pair of baggy jeans, some sneakers, and a black tank top. I quickly fixed up my hair, as well as throwing on some light makeup.

I contently gave myself a half smile in the mirror, before walking out of my tiny apartment door, and heading off on my way.

I didn't have a car anymore, so it was about a ten to fifteen minute walk for me. The cool spring breeze, causing me a slight chill.

I eventually arrived at the small cozy diner, quickly rushing in to get out of the cold. When I walked in, I saw the guys sitting at a table near the back.

I awkwardly stumbled my way through the cramped together tables, finally making it to theirs, and taking my seat next to James.

I gave James a hug, before greeting Lars and Jason as well. When I arrived Kirk wasn't sitting at the table, nor did I see him around anywhere. So I partially assumed he just wasn't here.

That was until I heard his obnoxious complaints from behind me.

"Are you serious? You fucking invited her? James, really?" He scoffed with disgust, taking his seat next to Lars.

It hurt a little I won't lie, I mean his comments always do, but I just brushed it off. I didn't wanna give him a reaction.

I tried to enjoy my dinner, primarily chatting with James and Jason. Since Lars and Kirk, we're off snickering away in the corner.

Every now and then Kirk, would make some snarky comments towards me if he happened to hear something I had said.

I was growing increasingly more annoyed by the second.

"Did you listen to that song I showed you?" James questioned, as he took a bite of his food.

"I did! Actually I really liked it." I said, smiling in response.

"Who the fuck cares what her dumbass thinks anyways." Kirk mumbled, leaning back in his chair.

"Shut up asshole! You've been on my dick the entire time we've been here! Give it a rest!" I snapped, my temper finally getting the better of me.

Kirk opened his mouth to say something, but before any words could form, James slammed his hand down in the table.

"I'm so sick and tired of you two fucking arguing like toddlers. Kirk what's your fucking problem man?" He snapped.

Kirk just shrugged, slightly smirking to himself.

"Just go outside, and talk it the fuck out." He sighed in defeat, taking another bite of his food.

Kirk and I looked at each other for a moment, before he motioned his head towards the front door.

We both stood up, and slowly made our way towards it, Kirk trailing close behind me.

When we got to the door, a good number of people shoved their way past me in through the door. I felt Kirks hand gently rest on the middle of my back, as he lightly nudged me out the door.

I'm not gonna lie I partially enjoyed it, but the rest of me was extremely weirded out. I decided against saying something though.

We walked outside, the cool early march breeze hitting me yet again. We walked a few feet, before he sat down on a tiny bench, which was leaning against the building.

I shortly followed his actions, sitting down on the opposite side of the small bench. We sat in silence for a few moments, I rubbed my arms up and down in attempt to make my goosebumps subside.

I heavily sighed, deciding I should say something.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I question, turning my attentions from my shoes, to him.

He started at me blankly for a moment, before rolling his eyes.

"Why do you act the way you do?" He scoffed in retaliation to my question.

"What are you talking about?" I squinted my eyes at him like he was stupid.

"You're a closed off bitch, you have been since we met. Yet for whatever reason you, chat it up with James." He scoffed again, throwing up his hands.

I felt a frown place itself upon my face.

"It's just the only thing I fucking know how to do, okay?" I snapped, feeling my eyes beginning to sting.

"The fucks that supposed to mean?" He asked obnoxiously.

"Look man, I had a shitty childhood. Parents we're junkies, and eventually I ended up on the streets. When you've gone through the things that I have, you tend to learn that being closed off is the only way you don't get hurt." I sighed heavily.

He didn't say a word after that, he just stared at me. His brows furrowed in concern, he almost looked upset.

I probably shouldn't have told him all that, but what can I do now.

"Y'know what, just forget it Kirk. You can hate me if you want, just leave me the fuck alone." I said lowly, as I got up from the tiny bench.

He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could I walked back inside. I didn't give a rats ass about what he had to say right now.

I walked through the cramped diner yet again, making my way back to my seat.

I slowly sat down, letting out a deep exaggerated sigh as I did so. Seconds later, I felt James poke me with his elbow.

"Did you guys work something out?" He questioned lowly into my ear.

I looked outside for a moment, to see Kirk holding his head in his hands. I felt...bad bud It more than likely doesn't concern me.

Once I was down dozing off, I looked at James, only shrugging in response.

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