Siji Manor

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Wei Wuxian woke up confused.

He wasn't in the inn near Yi City, where he and the juniors and Lan Wangji had settled in on their way back to the Golden Carp Tower. He was in a pretty big room he didn't recognize, lying on the floor in a sleeping bag. The door was partly open, a smaller sleeping bag nearby empty.

The third sleeping bag had someone in it. This was a man with elegance, lying on his back with his hands folded neatly even when asleep. A fan was next to his pillow.

"...where the hell am I..." Wuxian muttered. He got up and began looking around for clues carefully.

This seemed to be a living room turned into a bedroom. There were cabinets, a table with some incense sticks, shelves on the wall full of books, boxes and an assortment of-

His eyes widened. He hurried over to the mirror and looked.

Staring back at him wasn't Mo Xuanyu's face, nor was it the 20-something year-old face that'd died in the Battle of Nightless City. This face looked in its mid-30s, familiar but never seen before at the same time.

Wuxian raised a shaking hand to touch the cheek. Real.

This was what Wei Wuxian would've looked like had he lived to turn 36.

A gust of wind near him alerted him, and he backflipped to avoid... the spinning fan chasing him??

The fan chased him in a circle, forcing him outta the building into the yard. He ducked behind a statue and the fan hit it, before turning and flying past Wuxian, barely missing his neck.

Wuxian turned to look.

Standing behind him was the man in the sleeping bag earlier, still in his nightrobes and an overcoat.

Wuxian readied Chenqing and demanded, "Who the hell are you?!"

"I'm Wen Kexing, the second disciple of the Siji Manor," the man replied. The way he was standing, holding his fan, suggested a peaceful elegance, but his eyes were glaring so fiercely they could kill. "Who are you?"


Wuxian hesitated. There was no way anyone would believe he was Mo Xuanyu now... but who could he admit his real identity to, aside from the smartass of a Lan who'd already guessed it? He was the hated Yiling Patriarch, the devil reincarnate... anyone who knew aside from Lan Wangji would wanna kill him and he couldn't die now, he had to at least let Lan Wangji and the juniors know he was about to die before he could-


Wuxian's head snapped up at Kexing's response. Kexing was still glaring at him, each word clear and deliberate as he repeated, "Fine. Then tell me how you got here, and why you're here. And please conveniently leave after that."


Kexing sighed and explained, "I'm politely asking you to get lost."

"Ah! Then say "get lost", I'm used to it anyway~!" Wuxian replied cheerfully. "Uh... not sure if you're gonna believe me. I... don't know how I got here. Nor do I mean anything by being here. I kinda just... woke up here?"

Not surprisingly, Kexing's face darkened. He pointed his fan at Wuxian and retorted, "Tell me the truth now or else I have plenty of ways to make you."

"Ah- look I really just wanna get lost!! Honest!!" Wuxian tried. "If you tell me where Yi City is I'll get lost at once!"

"...Yi City?" Kexing echoed, opening his fan. "No such place exists."

"What does that mean?!"

""No such place exists" means I've never seen this place on any map nor have I ever heard anyone speak of it before how's that hard to get?!"

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