Gu Xiang

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They had arrived at last.

Kexing huffed a little upon seeing the house Weining had been able to prepare for Gu Xiang. It was a really simple house, made completely of wood, with only a table, a teapot and a cloak on the porch. Certainly not what he'd expected from a proper and well-known sect.

...then again, he was the one who'd said he didn't need Weining to give her the life of a rich wife, only peace. And this place looked peaceful enough- way out in the woods, but with a sturdy fence and a clear path in and out. Like the house of an ordinary villager.

Looks like the idiot's done something right for once.


Kexing laughed as the approaching girl in purple flung the gates open and leaped into his arms. He ruffled her hair and scolded, "A-Xiang, how old do you think you are? That's not how you greet people as a near-adult."

Gu Xiang pouted swatting Kexing's shoulder. She retorted, "I'm still your A-Xiang no matter how old I am! I'll greet you however I want!"

Kexing chuckled. "You seem happy here," he remarked. "Good. If that idiot upset you in any way, I'd have no choice but to kill him."

"Master!!" Gu Xiang protested. She smiled and tilted her head. "So~ what business do you lot have?"

"Xiang Jie-jie, how do you know we have business?" Chengling asked.

Gu Xiang rolled her eyes. She flicked Chengling's forehead and replied, "By using my brain and my eyes, Chevalier Gold Bean!"

Wuxian snorted, earning himself a glare from Kexing.

"If Master wanted to visit me he'd come alone! He wouldn't bring you!"

"What if I also wanted to visit you??"

"Then you wouldn't have brought... uh... who's this?" Gu Xiang asked, pointing at Wuxian awkwardly.

Wuxian smilrd and waved. He introduced, "Hi! You're A-Xiang, yeah? I'm Wei Wuxian, nice to meet- OW!!"

Kexing had kicked him in the ankle.


"Even the idiot doesn't talk to her like that and he's her fiance!" Kexing hissed under his breath angrily.

"What! I'm trying to be friendly!" Wuxian retorted, just as mad.

Gu Xiang chuckled and remarked, "Master's always been overprotective, don't mind him."

"I can fucking tell he's overprotective!!"

"You haven't answered me," Gu Xiang pointed out. "Why are you here?"

"Before we say anything, is your idiot home?" Kexing asked.

Gu Xiang hummed and asked playfully, "Do you want him to be?"



Kexing and Chengling answered at the same time.

Kexing glared at him.

"Shishu..." Chengling protested. "You and Uncle Xian haven't stopped arguing since he got here!! I don't like being the peacemaker it's tiring!! Can Cao Da-ge take over just this once??"

"No," Kexing retorted. "That idiot annoys me with every word he speaks- if he helps Wei Wuxian instead of me I'm leaving right this second."

Wuxian huffed and retorted, "You're supposed to side with whoever's making the most sense. If I'm being reasonable, of course he'll help me."

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