Chaos at Dinner

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No one expected dinner to turn into a scramble for the nearest cup of water.

"That's too spicy- that's way too spicy!!" Gu Xiang yelped, having just downed a whole pint of water. "Who the fuck cooked tonight's dinner?!"

"I... have a guess..." Wen Ning coughed, wiping the spice off his mouth.

Sure enough Wuxian raised his hand and replied cheerfully, "I did!"

"Wei Wuxian!!" Kexing demanded, coughing as Zishu soothed his back. "How much spice did you put in the fucking soup?!"

"Uh... 9 chillis, I think-"


"What! It's a big pot and besides! It's bland without the spice!"

"Uncle Xian..." Chengling managed through gulps of water. "I mean no offense but... this really is too spicy..."

Kexing rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen. "I'm making dinner," he declared. "This is ridiculous."

"I'll have your cooking too, Master!!" Gu Xiang called after him.

"Me too!" Chengling added.

"Uh... same here! Sorry Young Master," Wen Ning mumbled.

Wangji took another sip of the soup Wuxian had cooked.

"Uh... you can skip my portion and Hanguang Jun's!" Sizhui called. "We'll have Senior Wei's cooking!"

"Lan Zhan, Sizhui, as much as I disagree, everyone says it's spicy," Wuxian pointed out. "I know the Lan Sect's food is pretty bland. If you can't eat it don't force yourselves."

"'s fine."

Sizhui nodded even though he was already fanning his mouth and reaching for water. "A few gulps of water'll fix it," he gasped. "It's a familiar enough feeling."

Wuxian chuckled. He cheered, "You 2 are the best!" He sighed. "Such a pity though... this was supposed to be a meal for 8. There's no way we can eat all of it alone..."

Seeing this, Zishu yelled, "Lao Wen! Don't cook my portion- I'll eat with Young Master Wei, Hanguang Jun and Sizhui so less of Young Master Wei's cooking goes to waste."

"Really?!" Wuxian exclaimed.

"But A-Xu!" Kexing protested, poking his head around the door. "You'll burn a hole in your tongue!!"

"...I don't think it's spicy."

"A-Xu!! Everyone but the cook and the cook's husband and child is saying it's spicy!! You don't need to be polite!!"

"I'm not being polite, I really can't taste any of the spice."

"He put 9 chillis in a dish that's not even supposed to be spicy!! A-Xu you're either heing ridiculously polite or you don't have any taste bu..."


"...oh," Kexing mumbled, his voice suddenly dead quiet. His gaze dropped to his feet, and he went back into the kitchen. "I... I'll stop talking."

"Lao Wen I-" Zishu turned to Wuxian, Wangji and Sizhui and explained, "I gotta talk to Lao Wen- you eat first."

With that he ran to the kitchen.

"...what's with them?"

"Ah haha... Senior Wei. Here," Sizhui offered, distracting him by putting a piece of chicken in his bowl.

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