Juniors's Request

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There was a knock on Wangji's door.

"Come in."

Zishu came in, carrying most of the robes Wangji had asked to be sent to his room. He set them down on the table and explained, "I don't need all of these. You can keep the extras."


Zishu leaned over Wangji's shoulder, laughed and remarked, "Hanguang Jun's luggage is pretty neat. I just threw everything in and tied a knot."


"Just to be sure, it's Yunmeng first, then Lanling, Qishan and Qinghe?"

A nod. They had picked out the 5 places with the strongest spiritual energy, or the places the 5 sects were to investigate since they were the only lands with any hope of supporting a world-hopping portal. Wangji and Zishu had already asked around and searched Gusu to no avail, so the next obvious step was Yunmeng, home to the Jiang Sect and surprisingly close to the Burial Mounds Wuxian had founded demonic cultivation in.

"Good. I'll prepare-"

"Hanguang Jun!"

Wangji and Zishu turned to see the Lan juniors running up to them, led by Jingyi and Sizhui.

It was Sizhui who spoke first, asking, "Hanguang Jun- are you leaving?"

Zishu looked at Wangji, who nodded.

"A new mission?" Jingyi asked.

"...you can say that."

"Will it be dangerous?"

A nod.

"Are you gonna be gone for a while?"

Another nod.

"...are you going to look for Senior Mo?" Sizhui asked quietly.


"Then we're going with you!" Jingyi declared boldly.


Before Zishu could protest further, more juniors gave their agreement, turning the single statement into a mixed chorus of affirmation. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Wangji had started packing again, uninterested in calming anyone.

Zishu raised both hands, calming everyone. He turned to Wangji and prompted, "Hanguang Jun, you're not gonna say anything?"


"Uh... letting you lot come along might not be the best idea," Zishu tried.

"Why not?!" Jingyi demanded.

"It's... it's a delicate manner," Zishu replied, thinking on his feet. There was no way in hell he could tell them the real reason- Wen Ning. "Hanguang Jun and I are only going because we're good fighters- if we bring you you might not be able to protect yoursel-"

"Nonsense! Who're you calling bad fighters, we're all the best among the Lan Sect juniors!"

"If Hanguang Jun doesn't want you to go then you're not! Listen to your el-"

"Only Sizhui."

Wangji's decision made them fall silent.

"What?" Jingyi asked.

"Only Sizhui," Wangji repeated.

"And I can't?!" Jingyi demanded. "I'm Sizhui's best friend!!"

Wangji shook his head.

Zishu smiled at Sizhui, who seemed to have been shocked into silence. He pointed out, "You'd best go pack your bags. We're setting off at dawn tomorrow, and if you're not ready by then, we're not waiting."

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