Discussion Conference

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A/N: Thank you everyone for over 1K reads!! You're all so cool and amazing love you so much!! <3

Also sorry if this first half makes me sound like a broken record lol, I promise the second half is a bit more interesting (?)

Okay back to the story!


The Golden Carp Tower was pretty fancy and access was limited.

Luckily, the Discussion Conference and Wangji and Sizhui's positions as Lans had earned them an easy entrance. All Guangyao had really done when he welcomed them was remark that Wangji had come later than he'd expected before showing them to a room. He'd barely ask who Zishu was beyond "Wangji's friend", and no sign had been shown of Wen Ning being noticed.

The Ghost General now scaled the wall and entered Wangji's room through the window, which had been left open for him.

They all agreed that Wangji's room would be better to discuss things like this. He was closer to Sizhui, so it was easier for the younger Lan to head back early, and fewer people would think to search Wangji's room, being the honorable Hanguang Jun and trusted little brother of Lan Xichen.

Zishu and Sizhui were already there, waiting with Wangji. Sizhui in particular sighed quietly in relief and murmured, "You got in okay."

Wen Ning nodded and added, "No one saw me. They're all at a discussion."

"Thankfully we have the excuse of still settling in. Uh- okay, now that all of us here..." Zishu began. "Hanguang Jun, Sizhui, is it okay if I say something brutally honest?"

Wangji and Sizhui nodded.

"I don't trust Jin Guangyao as far as I can throw him."

Another nod from Wangji.

"You can tell?"

"You said so before."

"But I still don't," Zishu explained. "I was wondering if I was being too skeptical when I first said what I said, but now, after actually meeting Jin Guangyao... I don't think I was. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Uh... excuse me but why don't you trust Lianfang Zun?" Sizhui asked.

Zishu explained, "Too much of this has come from this Lianfang Zun's hands. First the notes were found in the Jin Sect, now the array we've pieced together was seen by Wen Ning in the dungeons under the Golden Carp Tower. I've been bearing 2 possibilities in mind on our way here. The first was that Lianfang Zun is an incompetent guy who's relying on advisors, Zewu Jun and the inherent power of the Jin Sect to survive."

"I can be sure that's not it now."

"If Lianfang Zun was really relying on others, he wouldn't have been welcoming guests alone. His biggest support would've been with him at all times. And also he's way too on top of the schedule for someone else to have handed it to him- he's hard-working and cares about the sect, I'll give him that. But that friendly smile that never reaches his eyes is hiding something."

"That only leaves the option that he's in on this plan somehow."

A long silence followed as everyone tried to process his analysis.

"Are... are you sure he's not just... being kept in the dark?"

"That would've been possibility #1."

"But Lianfang Zun's really busy," Sizhui protested. "He doesn't have time to watch over every Jin disciple-"

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