Border Between Worlds

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Wuxian was greeted with a rough landing on the grass.

"Fuck... ow!" he yelped as he tried to stand up. "That hurts!"

"You're not the only one in pain you know... shut up..."

Kexing was getting up nearby, holding his waist and glaring at Wuxian.

Wuxian glared back as he struggled to his feet carefully.

"Ow... Master..."

Gu Xiang was slowly getting up. Chengling was holding her arm in an attempt to help, but he obviously wasn't feeling so well himself.

"It hurts-"

"Ah uh- don't move!" Kexing returned, hurrying over to the pair. "I'll help you up. Chengling, you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

Once they had all found their footing, they decided to get a better look at where they were.

...not that it helped much. They had landed at the mouth of a forest, 1 that had no distinctive features anyone could identify. All they could tell were the trees were thick. Behind them was a field that probably stretched out to infinity, but it was hidden by the thick curtain of mist that shrouded the land several feet behind them.

"Is this your world?"

Wuxian shook his head. He replied slowly, "No... at least as far as I can tell. The forest's nothing useful and that mist... I've never heard of this..."

Chengling frowned. He mumbled dejectedly, "I was so sure this would work... what do we do now...?"

"Well we're not in the cave anymore," Gu Xiang pointed out. "So the array took us somewhere. Maybe we can find a way to Sick Dude around here."

"A-Xiang's right, it's a good idea for us to figure out where the hell we are and find a way to A-Xu," Kexing agreed. He looked around and frowned. "I'm not even sure we can find our way back... there's no door or passageway in sight here... it's like we fell from the sky or something..."

Wuxian rolled his eyes at the ridiculous suggestion that they'd fallen from the sky. He looked behind him at the mist, frowning in thought. They had 2 choices right now...

"Mist or forest?"

Kexing took a glowing ball from his robes and chucked it into the mist.




Shards of... whatever that ball had been made of flew through the air at the group. Thankfully, everyone shielded themselves with their arms in time- no one was hurt.

Gu Xiang remarked, "This is a hunch but... seems like that way's a bad idea."

Chengling nodded and began walking towards the forest, adding, "I guess we gotta go this way then."

"Hold on silly disciple," Kexing interrupted. He took another ball from his robes and threw it into the trees as hard as he could.


"...where the heck are you getting those from- and what are they?"

"None of your business," Kexing retorted. He led the way into the forest. "This is safe then. Come on."

The forest was as dark as it'd seemed on the surface. The trees were thick and some parts were too crowded to even wade through- they were forced to stick to where the trees were thinner, though it couldn't be called a path. The sky's light was starting to turn red and orange, Kexing noticed, though there was no sun or moon that he could see through the teeny gaps in the foliage above their heads.

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