A Misunderstanding?

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The Golden Carp Tower was really pretty at night.

Zishu kinda wished he could just sit down and admire the moon with some wine- and that was gonna be his excuse if he was caught- but he had something to do tonight. He had to sneak into the dungeons and find the array or at least figure out a couple rooms that weren't holding the array. He had time- at this hour, those who weren't asleep were getting ready to, and he had already just suffered through the Nails before going out.

Thankfully, the dungeons themselves weren't too hard to find- Wen Ning knew all too well where they were. It was getting in and out without the Jin Sect noticing that he didn't know how to do. It was in a rather isolated corner of the Golden Carp Tower too, so Zishu made it without a problem- a mound of bricks and paint barely taller than a man, appearing too small to hold more than 5 people at a time.

He settled on a tree near the entrance, hiding among the leaves. He knew the dungeons proper was underground, the entrance the only part visible from above ground. It seemed to be guarded on both sides by 2 disciples each... that made things difficult. He wanted to do this without knocking someone out and causing a fuss... he scanned the area for an alternative entrance in- an opening in the ground nearby for example, or in-

A blade flew through the air.

Zishu jumped and twirled, feeling the blade graze his cheek. He gasped, stumbling.

It had poison on it.

Zishu had stopped the poison from flowing through his veins when someone attacked him from the side.

Taken by surprise, Zishu was put on the defensive. He flew from roof to roof of the nearby buildings, blocking the darts being sent at him with his sword. Another thing that was hindering him was trying to get a look at this stranger's face, but to no avail- this man was dressed in all black, the cloth on his face covering everything except for the eyes.

A dart that cane inches from brushing his neck forced him to backflip off the roof, landing on the floor on all fours.

He jumped back and pulled out the communication sigil Wangji had given him, about to call for help.

The second he'd taken it out, another blade flew towards his wrist. He dodged in time so it missed his wrist, but the blade pierced the paper, tearing a hole and rendering it useless.

"Young Master Zhou!"

"Don't come out!" Zishu yelled over his shoulder- he recognized Wen Ning's voice and the Ghost General was not showing his face in front of the Jin Sect if he could help it. "Go get Hanguang Jun and Sizhui!



Zishu could only pray Wen Ning had really gone to Wangji and Sizhui- he couldn't see him at all. It was too dark and he had to focus on the masked man in front of him. He was sure the guy was aiming to kill, and even if he wasn't Zishu really didn't wanna be taken prisoner by Jin Guangyao-

A sword flew in from behind and blocked the masked figure's sword.

"Senior Zhou!!"

"Sizhui! Hanguang Jun!" Zishu greeted in relief.

Sure enough, Wangji and Sizhui had arrived, the sword flying back to Wangji. Wangji stood in front of Zishu while Sizhui steadied him.

"You okay?" Sizhui whispered.

Zishu nodded. He noticed the masked figure run away, jumping up the roofs and out of sight, but he didn't point it out. He could feel the poison in his system again now that the fight was over... he'd thought he'd had it under control but it was already spreading down his neck through his veins-

"What's going on?"

A figure emerged from the shadows- Zishu recognized him as Jin Guangyao easily. He questioned, "Was Sect Leader Jin here the whole time?"

"No no, of course not," Guangyao replied lightly, shutting his eyes as he smiled. "I heard an assassin had snuck into the Golden Carp Tower and hurried over. We have very important people from all 4 sects living here aftet all. The Jin Sect'll be in big trouble if someone dies during the conference."

"Well you'd better go," Zishu retorted. "The masked man left it's just me here."

"And what may I ask was Young Master Zhou doing so late at night?"

"Admiring the moon," Zishu replied easily. He took the prepared casket of alcohol from his sleeves and added, "With some good wine."

"...I see." Guangyao bowed and pacified, "Seems like this was a misunderstanding then. My apologies."

Zishu nodded tensely.

"However I must say... a word to the wise, Young Master Lan," Guangyao warned. "You'd best keep a close eye on your guests. After all..."

"We wouldn't want them wandering into places they shouldn't be."

Zishu couldn't help taking a step back.

"I'll take my leave to find this masked man Young Master Zhou mentioned now. Have a good evening."

Zishu, Wangji and Sizhui gave a polite bow, Zishu a bit reluctantly.

Once Guangyao was gone, Zishu stumbled and grabbed his shoulder, letting his sword clatter to the floor.

"Senior Zhou...?!"

Both Sizhui and Wangji caught Zishu at the same time. Sizhui added in a whisper, "Is it the Nails?!"

Zishu shook his head. He nodded at the tiny blade lodged into the tree and gasped, "Poison..."

"Huh? What do we do??" Sizhui asked.

"It's fine... I just need a little help forcing the poison out-"

Wangji sat Zishu down and began helping him force the poison out with spiritual energy.

Eventually Zishu lurched forward and coughed up clots of blackened blood.

"Senior Zhou!"

"It's fine now," Zishu managed. He gave Wangji a dip of the head. "Thank you."

Wangji nodded back.

"I'm lucky I dodged," Zishu mused. "Otherwise I'd be dead on the ground- if a graze is enough to cause this."

Sizhui looked at Wangji worriedly and pointed out, "That's killing on sight. None of the sects are this harsh towards intruders- at least I know our sect gives them a chance to speak, in case it's all a misunderstanding!"

Wangji shook his head.

Zishu laughed and remarked, "Looks like my suspicions about Lianfang Zun were right- the Golden Carp Tower does have something he really doesn't want us to find." A thought struck him, and he looked around. "What about Wen Ning, where is he?"

"Back in hiding," Sizhui whispered, looking around. "He should be somewhere around here still."

"Good. Have it stay that way." Zishu stumbled to his feet and leaned against the tree. He decided, "Lianfang Zun'll be on his guard tonight. We'll have to try again tomorrow."

"I'll go in the morning."

"Hanguang Jun-"

"No harm if he already knows."

Zishu considered their options for a moment longer before deciding, "We do only have 4 days- 3 days now. Just be careful- and remember. I don't care how many times you'd have to copy the sect rules for breaking and entering, you cannot simply walk over there and asked to be let in. Okay?"

Wangji nodded.

"Hanguang Jun'll be smart about it, Senior Zhou," Sizhui chipped in. "After tonight, at least."

All worth it for Wei Ying, Wangji added silently.

Zishu nodded and remarked, "Good. Let's go back and rest for the night. Before something else happens."

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