In the Woods

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Things got settled pretty quickly.

Wen Ning was of course, overjoyed to see Wuxian. He began rambling and firing a million questions at Wuxian, who laughed and reassured him everything was okay. He also seemed to be okay with the new people- aside from the small double take he had done when he learned Kexing's surname was also Wen.

Then there was the matter of dinner. They ended up deciding that Wen Ning would go with Gu Xiang, Sizhui and Chengling to find food, while Kexing, Zishu, Wuxian and Wangji would get some firewood. Since it was a forest, the latter group returned faster and began to start the fire near the entrance of the cave.

Another question popped up for Zishu though, when he noticed a book that'd fallen from Wuxian's sleeve.

"How did you get something from the Yueyang Sect?" he asked, frowning.

"...we stole it."

"You stole it?"

"His idea," Kexing hurriedly added, pointing at Wuxian.

"Excuse me?!" Wuxian spluttered. "All 4 of us agreed on and helped plan the operation- how is it fair that you're only pointing at me?!"

"Oh and you've always been really fair aren't you?!"

"Like hell you are!!"

"Lao Wen," Zishu tried. "Hold-"

Kexing ignored him and continued, glaring at Wuxian, "Do you dare-"

"Of course I'll fight you, I'm not afraid of you!" Wuxian snapped. "I-"

"I was gonna say make a bet with me, not fight me!! You'll lose before we've started without that stupid flute!!"

"Stupid- Like you'll fare any better without your razor fan!!"

"I'll do just fine without it!" Kexing snapped, rolling up his sleeves. "I-"

"LAO WEN, THAT'S ENOUGH!" Zishu burst out. "More than enough!"


"Now I know how much of a handful both of you've been for Chengling. I'll get him treats when we get back."


"Wei Ying!" Wangji reprimanded.

Wuxian froze in surprise. Even since he'd come back, Wangji had barely raised his voice at him, if ever, no matter how ridiculous he'd been. He hadn't been expecting it and wasn't completely sure how to react...

"I... should go help Wen Ning and the kids look for food."

He left without another word.

Kexing snorted and remarked, "Hey Lan. You've angered your wife. Aren't you gonna go after him?"

"Lao Wen!" Zishu scolded.

Wangji left the cave as well.

"What got you so worked up? All I wanted was to ask if Shen Shen and Zhao Jing gave you any trouble."

"...huh?" Kexing questioned, turning to face Zishu.

Zishu sighed and explained, "Wen Kexing, last time we met we destroyed any good will we had with Shen Shen, and you and A-Xiang are wanted by the 5 Lake Alliance. Don't you think I should at least ask how you got something from the Yueyang Sect?"

Kexing blinked a couple times then laughed nervously. He pointed out, "A-Xu, you're not serious. You're the one who asked him to conveniently leave- how did I and A-Xiang become the 5 Lake Alliance's wanted criminals? You've made a mistake, yeah?"

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