Reunion of Soulmates

255 19 14

Sure enough, it was Lan Wangji who stood in the clearing. And that second figure in white, the kid that stood behind him- that was 100% Lan Sizhui, looking to his Hanguang Jun as to whether he should help.

" know him?" the man sitting next to Wuxian asked.

Wuxian laughed. "Know him?" he echoed. "He's my..."

Wuxian paused. He looked back down at Wangji, still trying to fend off the corpses for them. He'd been about to say "friend"... but something felt weird about that. Wuxian didn't know what, but it didn't feel... complete.

He shook the feeling off and insisted, "He's my friend."

The man stared at Wuxian for a long time before asking, "Is your name Wei Wuxian by any chance?"


"Ah, sorry." The man bowed and explained, "I've been traveling with Hanguang Jun. He told me about you... my name is Zhou Zishu-"

"You're Zhou Zishu?! The guy Lunatic Wen beat the crap outta me for?!"

"You know Lao Wen- you've met him?? And what do you mean he-"

A loud strum of music caught the pair's attention, and they both remembered the situation at hand.

"Shit," Zishu muttered. "Yeah we should probably go help... hold on!"

"Eh, wai-!"

Zishu jumped off the tree.

Wuxian watched the fight under the tree. He noticed how well they worked together- both of them in white robes, one playing music while the other flitted around in time to it with graceful, well-practised movements. Suddenly Wuxian wished he could fight in the traditional sense and be on the battlefield with Wangji.

He shrugged it off and began playing the flute- the only way he could really help with this.

It was working. The horde had been pretty big, but with the 3 of them working together, the corpses were dwindling in numbers, some even retreating into the trees.

Not that it was safe yet. Zishu felt a corpse grab his shoulder-

A fan came flying through the air and twirled in a circle around Zishu. In the blink of an eye, Zishu looked up and the corpses all fell backwards, retreating into the trees or lying inert on the ground, never to get up again.

What the-


Zishu was so surprised by the hug that came his way that he stumbled, but it didn't matter because he was held. He quickly realized that the man hugging him was Wen Kexing, though he let go almost as soon as Zishu had realized it and began rambling.

"A-Xu are you okay?! Did those things hurt you- did the people who took you hurt you?! What did they want- how did they just make you disappear?! Do you know exactly who kidnapped you?! Let me look at you- if you're missing a hair on your head I'll tear all of those bastards to shreds-"

"Lao Wen," Zishu pacified, holding both of Kexing's arms. "I'm fine, calm down. Catch your breath first."

Kexing took a deep breath and looked Zishu up and down again, taking in the fact his soulmate was standing in front of him- a bit scathed, but whole and safe. He grinned and agreed, "It's fine! Everything's okay now!"

Zishu chuckled, putting a hand on Kexing's shoulder. He admitted, "Lao Wen... I'm glad to see you too."

Kexing laughed and though he was suddenly tempted to kiss his soulmate more than ever, all he did was try to compose himself, keeping his smiling eyes on Zishu all the while.

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