Outside Yi City

479 23 8

Zhou Zishu had no clue where he was.

Last he remembered, he was in his old home the Siji Manor, but this definitely wasn't part of the Manor. It looked more like an inn, with limited decorations, a simple layout and half-packed bags lying around.

...had Kexing moved him while he was asleep? Where were he and Chengling?

He opened the doors and called, "LAO WEN! CHENG-"

A sword was held in front of him.

The wielder was a man with golden eyes. He wore white robes with light blue markings, a pretty embrodiered white ribbon around his forehead.

"Who are you? Why are you coming out of his room?"

"...calm... calm down first," Zishu pacified, holding both hands up in surrender. "Whose room?"

"Mo Xuanyu."

"Who's Mo Xuanyu??"

The man leaned closer, lowering his sword accordingly. He murmured so no one else could hear, "Wei Ying."

"...was that supposed to make things clearer?"

That was obviously the wrong question to ask. Before Zishu could say another word, he felt the blunt side of a sword hit him in the gut, sending him crashing past the balcony railing and onto the ground floor.

He flinched, gritting his teeth as he got to his feet. In his golden days, that hit in the gut and fall would've been nothing to him, but the Nails of 7 Autumns for 3 Apertures were doing their job really well.

The man landed in front of him, sword at the ready.

"Who are you?" Zishu gasped.

"Who are you?"

Zishu managed a laugh. "Zhou Zishu," he answered.

"What sect?"


The man simply glared.

"You're kidding me," Zishu replied. He get to his feet and held up his hands in surrender to show he meant no harm, hoping it would get the man to lower his sword. "You don't know who I am? I'm Qin Huaizhang's lead disciple."

The admission made guilt pierce his heart like a sword. He didn't deserve to bring up his shifu, but it was what most chevaliers knew him for, wasn't like the list of Tian Chuang's-


The man wasn't saying much, but every word was more confusing than the last. Zishu studied him closely, and when he saw no signs of deception, he questioned, "How the hell do you not know who my shifu is? He-"

"Hanguang Jun- HANGUANG JUN!"

Zishu turned to see a bunch of teenagers running over. Most of them wore white, but there were a handful who wore gold or brown or purple.

2 of the white-robed boys ran up to the man. One of them asked, "Hanguang Jun, who's that?!"



"In Mo Xuanyu's room."

Zishu protested, "Wait, hold on-"

"In Senior Mo- oh I get it now!" the same boy exclaimed. He drew his sword, along with a couple of the other boys. "Where's Senior Mo?! What have you done to him- or what's your relationship to him?!"

"I really don't know who Mo Xuanyu and Wei Ying are will you listen!!"

Everyone in the room froze.

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