𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 | thinking

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"I can't imagine what Adrien's thinking right now," Marinette said to Tikki while lying in bed, "It's a lot to take in,"

"I mean, he just found out that his partner knows his identity. It's tough, but you two will get through it together," Tikki, who was sitting on Marinette's shoulder, responded.

"You're right," Marinette sighed, "You know, you're the only person I can talk to about this. Or, um, I guess, not person, but.. anyways, Alya doesn't know that I know Chat Noir is Adrien, because that puts her in too much danger. So there's really not many people I can talk to about this, so.. thank you, Tikki." Marinette gave Tikki a little hug of appreciation. She didn't say it enough, but without Tikki there to support her, Marinette wouldn't be able to handle being Ladybug. She also wouldn't be able to become Ladybug, but uh, that's besides the point.

"Of course, Marinette. That's what friends are for."


Adrien was doing the same, lying on his bed thinking about the new information he learned. Except instead of Plagg sitting close and talking things through with Adrien, he was just rummaging through the cabinets once more for the prize of cheese.

The room stayed silent, nothing else changing other than the amount of cheese in the "not today" pile that Plagg was creating. It was like this for a while, until Adrien's expression changed from a slight smile, a blank face, and then a frown.

"Plagg?" The blonde asked, disturbing Plagg's cheese-finding focus.

"Uh, yeah, kid?" The kwami responded, his head still in cheese.

"Does this mean that Ladybug truly doesn't love me? Not even my civilian self?" When Adrien said this, Plagg immediately flew out of the cabinet and next to his owner's side.

"Come on, you don't know if that's true. Maybe she loves you and you just don't know it," Plagg did a nearly-silent snicker under his breath. Him and Marinette were so stupid.

"Yeah yeah, okay, but if she doesn't love me and she knows who I am, then does that mean that my civilian self is just as bad? Am I really that bad?" Adrien asked, looking confused.

"Oh c'mon, Adrien, don't think like that. You have no idea what she's thinking on her side, so stop stressing about it and just think in the present. One day you'll get all the answers and everything will just click," Plagg did a dramatic eye roll when Adrien wasn't looking and flew back to his cheese.

"Is one of those 'answers' the identity of Ladybug, by any chance?"

"Uh, yeah, probably." Plagg responded, sitting in his cheese pile.

"I wonder when I'm gonna get those answers," Adrien sighed, "Especially the one about her identity."

"When the time is right, I'm sure she'll let you know." Plagg smiled, but tried to hide it from Adrien because he was not one to express his emotions much. Except if those emotions were about cheese.

"Haha, okay, Plagg, I'll be patient." 

𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐨 | miraculous ladybugWhere stories live. Discover now