𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 | cute

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"HEY, hey, hey, relax," Adrien said, setting Marinette down on her bed. They were now back at her place, after that dreadful night at Felix and Kagami's party.

"Um.. so, I—I guess I'll just leave you in your clothes then, since there's nothing I can do." Adrien stated, rubbing the back of his neck, "I have to go now, since my car is still at the party, but please call me tomorrow morning, okay Mari?"

Marinette didn't respond, she sort of just laid there on her bed and smiled up at Adrien, who was looking extremely worried and concerned.

"Well, uh, okay, I'll go now, see you soon." Adrien waved a small goodbye, flashed a smile, and turned around to head out the bedroom door. But then, Marinette spoke up.

"He's a bitch."

Adrien whipped back around, "What?"

"Felix, you silly goose! He shouldn't have acted like that." Marinette giggled, flopping onto her belly and burying her head in her pillow.

"Yeah.." Adrien frowned.

"But you should totallyyy just stay over. It'll be like a super duper fun sleepover!" Marinette offered.

"I don't know if that's the best idea, as it seems you're quite drunk right now and I don't know if you'd actually want me to stay or not. Plus, I need to pick up my car, and.."

Adrien takes Marinette's silence as an "okay". He smiles and turns around once again to leave the bedroom.

"Good night, I love you, Adrien." Marinette says.

"Love you, Mari." Adrien spits out without a thought. He exits the door and starts to make his way out the apartment when he realizes what he just said.


He rushes back to the bedroom, opening the door, "Mari, did you really mea—"

But she was already fast asleep.

Adrien decided that he had to finally leave, feeling confused. Did she really mean that? Or was her drunk self just making her say weird things?

Adrien started to walk back to the ballroom venue, digging his hands into his pockets. He was not even a block away from the apartment when he realized that he should check the time, as it was pretty dark and he wasn't exactly sure how long the walk would be.

He fished for his phone in one of his pockets, only to find that it was not there.


He had left his phone at Marinette's place.

He could go back for it really quickly, or...


The next morning, Adrien knocked on the door of a certain someone's home. The door swung open, and a tired, bed-hair Marinette appeared.

".. Adrien? What are you doing here? I thought I was going to call you." She said, rubbing her head and trying to fix it.

"Well, I can't do that without my phone, can I?" He smirked, "I think I left it at your place last night. Can I come in?"

"Oh-! Yes, yes, of course." She moved aside so Adrien could slip inside. The door shut behind him.

"By the way, nice place you got. Yesterday was my first time seeing it." He complimented, grinning.

"Thank you," Marinette replied, but then her expression changed, "Wait, if you forgot your phone, wouldn't you have realized it when you left?"

Adrien just chuckled, "Well, then I wouldn't have an excuse to see you, right?"

𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐨 | miraculous ladybugWhere stories live. Discover now