𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 | the show

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"HELLO everyone, my name's Adrien, and I have to start off by thanking you all for coming. We have many extremely talented designers showing off their pieces here today, and I'm excited for you all to see them." The blond paused for a second as the crowd erupted into applause. Every seat was filled, and various eyes were glued to the runway, "Without further ado, I give you the designs of the eye-catching fashion show!"

The audience started clapping once more but eventually stopped when music started playing and models walked out.

"Oh, honey, it says here that Marinette's designs are coming out last." Sabine pointed to a pamphlet in her hands, leaning to her left and whispering to Tom, "I wonder how long it'll take until we see them."

"Well, I would sit here to see my daughter's fashion pieces even if the wait was ten hours." Tom replied, smiling in excitement. Alya and Nino were sitting behind them, texting Marinette on their phones to calm her down with her nerves.

"What if one of the models trips and tears the dress?" Marinette texted.

"I'm sure that won't happen." Alya shot a text back, hoping that it would comfort her friend.

"Okay and you're a reporter. I'm a fashion designer. I would know if the dress was going to tear, right? Right, Alya?" Marinette's last sentence felt a little passive aggressive. The stress was definitely getting to her.

"Alright, maybe instead of rapidly texting on your phone in the corner, you could go check on your models and make sure everything's show-ready." Nino suggested through a text from his own phone.

The couple waited a while for a response, but when one didn't come through, they assumed that Marinette had taken their advice and applied it.

"Good one, babe." Alya complimented, raising her hand for a light high-five. Next to them, they could hear the faint muttering of Felix.

"Why can't I see anything through this camera? I have to be ready for Marinette's debut." Felix was struggling with his camera and was fiddling around with it until Kagami reached her hand over and took off the lens cap.

"You forgot this, Fe." Kagami slightly waved the lens cap in the air as a soft chuckle escaped from Felix.

"Thank you, darling." Felix gave his wife a light kiss on the forehead and the two were enjoying their sweet little romantic moment. But, they were interrupted by a voice to the left of them.

"Dupain-Cheng's designs better be worth it. I'm missing a once-in-a-lifetime mani-pedi because of this." Chloe twisted her hair with her finger, speaking to Sabrina who was seated beside her.

"Glad to see you're delighted to be here." Felix mentioned, turning to face the blonde.

Chloe rolled her eyes, "I may not want to be here, but I'm here to support my friend."

Felix just cocked his head back to face the runway, clicking his tongue and smirking. Chloe noticed this and raised her eyebrow, "Got something to say, Fathom?"

"No." Felix stated, trying to hold in some sort of laughter he had.

"For fuck's sake, I know you have something to spit out of that mouth of yours, so just say it!" Chloe whisper-yelled, seeming frustrated.

"Can you guys just handle not arguing for one second? Gosh, it's always you two. And it's always over something stupid." Alya pointed out, sighing as she said it.

"You're one to talk. You always argue with everyone about something stupid." Sabrina mentioned, crossing her arms.

"What—I do not! That is complete and utter bullshit." Alya denied. Her and Sabrina started to bicker over top of Felix and Chloe's argument, and you would think that the noise would fill the room. But no, the four of them were all still whispering.

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