𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 | mom

977 25 18

IT was now 7:00pm. Café de Paris was closing, and all the employees had left except Abrielle.

"Adrien, we're closing." She said, approaching the distressed young man. He had been there ever since Felix had left. At first, he was just going on his phone and enjoying the environment around him, but that quickly turned to talking to himself and acting all stressed and confused.

"Yeah, okay, Abrielle, I'll get going." Adrien prepared to go, about to get up and out of his seat, but he was stopped by the woman.

"Wait, Adrien, is something wrong?" She asked, a sincere look on her face.

Adrien sighed and looked back at Abrielle, "Actually, yeah."

"Would you.. like to share with me? You're not required, but feel free to."

"Actually, that'd be great.." Adrien sighed, "I've been thinking about this almost all day. There's this girl that I used to like, but I've finally accepted that she'll never love me. Now there's this other girl that I've known forever, and everyone keeps telling me that I like her, or that she likes me, and I just can't seem to figure out if that's the case or not."

"Well, do you like her?" Abrielle asked, careful not to be too ignorant about the situation.

"I mean, she's an amazing friend to me, but if I said that I never thought of her in that way, then I'd be lying." Adrien looks down at the table, trying to avoid Abrielle's gaze.

"Ah, Marinette, correct?"

Adrien is stunned, "How did you..?"

"I'm not blind, Adrien. The reason why that mug went crashing to the ground was because you were flirting."

"We really weren't.."

"And you guys were both fighting about who was to blame! You can't tell me that's not love,"

"I really wouldn't say that—"

"Adrien, you may not love her, but there is something there. I just know it." Abrielle smiled, taking Adrien's hand. "Love is something that can be unexpected, or unwanted, even, but it's always meant to be. And this.. thing with Marinette? It's meant to be."

"I—I don't know, Abrielle.." It's not that Adrien didn't want to believe that he was in love with Marinette. No, that wasn't the case at all. She was a great girl, and it wouldn't be bad at all. He was just confused with the whole situation because he has spent years pining for Ladybug, and then there's this sudden switch. Loving Ladybug felt right. But weirdly enough, loving Marinette felt right, too. In some ways, it felt even better.

"Here, come on, son, follow me." Abrielle stood up and had Adrien tag along to behind the counter of the cafe, where a wall of photos were hung up.

"This is where I allow the staff to hang up any photos they want to, to express themselves and bring good energy into the cafe." She then pointed to a photo of a much younger Abrielle giving a piggyback ride to a young boy with the same blond hair and brown eyes, "This is Julien. He was my little boy.. He actually would've been your age if he was still here."

If he was still here?

"We were just driving to school one day when a truck skidded on a sheet of ice and our car rolled over. I was in good condition, but Julien.." Her voice trailed off, and she paused for a minute before getting back into what she was saying, "Julien didn't make it."

"I'm so sorry, Abrielle." Adrien says, trying to console the woman. She lets out a little sniff, but then starts to speak.

"It's okay, Adrien. It was years ago.. If Ladybug and Chat Noir were still around then, they would've done anything to stop it from happening in the first place." She smiled, "But my point is: If I could've watched my little boy fall in love, and if he felt that it was right, I would be fine with it. Adrien, if you feel that this is right, despite feeling maybe guilty about somehow 'betraying' your past lover, even though that doesn't in the slightest bit make sense, then you should go for it. Marinette is a lovely girl and you two are perfect together."

"Abrielle, I really just don't know.."

"I've seen you two with my own eyes. There is something there, and it wouldn't hurt to explore it, right?"

".. Right. Thanks, Abrielle." Adrien grinned.

"Oh, come here, you," Abrielle gestured for Adrien to give her a hug. They embraced, "You're so very welcome."

They eventually parted and Adrien headed out the door. On his way home, he stopped to talk to Plagg.

"So, you gonna listen to the lady's advice, or what?" He asked, hoping that Adrien would say yes.

"I.. think I will. After all, Marinette really is amazing.. she's kind, selfless, wonderful, and I have to admit, it really does feel right."

"Kid, you're crushing."

"No I'm—" Adrien was about to deny it, but then he paused and shrugged, "Well, I guess I am."


my dbh fans will recogonize the "truck skidded on a sheet of ice and our car rolled over" line.. HAHAAA

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