𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 | the number

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"OH, so you've met a girl?" Ladybug asks, after hearing Chat Noir gloat about his so-called girlfriend.

"Yes, yes I have." He says, grinning from ear to ear.

"Okay, and are you dating?" Ladybug responds, eager to hear the answer.

"Well, no." Chat reluctantly says, "But it's because she's not ready for a relationship. And maybe I'm not too. But we like each other," He flashes a smile at Ladybug, trying to make light out of the situation.

There was no doubt that Chat Noir still had some lingering feelings for Ladybug. I mean, of course he did, he had loved her for years before he finally moved on. But, nonetheless, it was obvious to him that his love for Marinette was stronger. He had never felt this way before. Yes, loving both girls felt right, for some strange reason, but loving a girl that you can see without a mask just makes things easier.

On the other hand, Ladybug knew about Chat's identity, so it was all the same for her. But as the weeks went on, she pieced together the moments in her life that made her fall in love with this blond. From him being Adrien to Chat Noir, it didn't matter. She knew that the boy she loved was in front of her, and would never leave. Maybe she loved Adrien more, or maybe she loved Chat Noir more. But those two sides were linked, and she couldn't be happier to know that they were the same person. I mean, she liked both of them at one point, so what could be better?

"Ah, okay." Ladybug smirked, rolling her eyes, "So you like the girl, and she likes you, but you aren't dating? Real smooth, Chaton." She chuckled.

"Hey! It's just a phase we're going through. I'm sure we will find our way back to each other. I love her so much, and I know she does too, deep down."

It felt good to hear Chadrien Noigreste talk about the girl he loved like that.

The girl in question, who was sitting beside him.

Ladybug was screaming inside, knowing that it hurt to reject him like that a couple of days before, but she still stood by her decision. But like Chat said: She also knew that they would find their way back to each other.

"Okay, okay, I see.." Ladybug reached up and rustled the masked boy's hair, "Just don't forget to keep her out of danger, okay? I mean, I'm sure she would be fine on her own, but keep in mind the risks that come with dating a superhero."

Chat was grinning back at Ladybug, but whatever she was saying was going through one ear and out the other. When he felt her touch as she rustled his hair, it all felt so familiar. But he couldn't quite place his finger on why it was.

"Yeah, I know." He replied. It was quiet for a moment until he spoke again, hesitant, "Hey.. do you think we should try to find out Shadow Moth's identity?"

Ladybug paused. But then, she sighed, "Chat, I want to know, too. But it's way too dangerous right now. They know my identity, and they could totally know yours, since.." She trailed off, afraid of hitting a memory that had been locked away for so long.

"It's okay, you can say it." Chat reassured, smiling.

"Well.. Shadow Moth may know your identity because your father was Hawk Moth." Ladybug took a deep breath, "So it might just be best to stay out of it and just continue defeating the akumas."

"If you say so, M'lady." Chat stood up and grabbed his stick from his back, "Well, I gotta run. Cat-ch you later!"

Ladybug waved a goodbye and Chat Noir jumped away, heading home. But, as he was doing so, something caught his eye.. a blue, or perhaps purple, figure. His eyes then narrowed and focused on the person. Soon enough, they were identified as Shadow Moth.

Chat Noir skillfully lurked on the rooftops, trying not to attract any attention as he followed Shadow Moth. After a while, the villain entered an abandoned warehouse, just on the quieter side of the city.

Chat Noir chuckled lightly to himself.

He had just found Shadow Moth's base.


"Hey! So, I need a favor." Adrien called to the person on the other end of the phone.

"Adrien! Long time no see. What do you need help with?"

"Well, there's this warehouse I'm interested in buying for the business and everything. I was wondering.. if maybe you could give me the owner's contact info?" He asked, sounding pretty desperate. Of course, this was just a small little white lie, but he had to do what he had to do to find out Shadow Moth's identity.

"I don't know.."

"Oh c'mon, please, Sabrina? You work at the biggest brokerage in the city, not to mention you're so high in the ranks there. I'm sure you could pull a few strings."

"Well, then you will have to give me a little favor in advance." Sabrina replied.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"I know you're.. still somewhat in contact with Chloe. Ever since she started to work on herself, she's been ignoring me. I think it's because she realized how terrible she had been treating me all those years ago, and feels bad about it now. I mean, she should, but I wish she would talk to me again." Sabrina paused, taking a breath, "So, I was hoping that you could maybe set up a meeting or something? Maybe without her knowing, so she ends up coming?"

"I'll see what I can do. But I promise that I will make it happen one way or another." Adrien smiled.

"Thank you, thank you! Alright, send me the address and I'll text you the details when I have the chance."

"I will. Thanks, Sabrina, see you soon." After a short goodbye, Adrien hung up the phone. He shot a quick text to the real estate agent about the warehouse, and within ten or twenty minutes, a reply came.


Adrien walked up the steps to a small, cute cottage-looking home near Paris. He knocked on the door, and soon heard faint footsteps approaching.

The door swung open, and out came a tall, brunette male who couldn't be over thirty years old.

"Hello," Adrien greeted, "Olivier, correct?"

"Yes, yes, come in." The man gestured to Adrien to come inside. They both made their way to the living room, sitting down on the antique furniture.

"So, I've heard that you want to purchase the warehouse?" Olivier asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Yes, I do. It's perfect for my company." Adrien replied, grinning and trying to come off as cheerful and outgoing.

"Ah, I see." Olivier paused, fidgeting with his thumbs. He then looked up again to face Adrien, "Well, right now, it's being rented. I would love for you to purchase it, trust me, but their lease doesn't end for another few years so I legally cannot."

Adrien thought for a moment, trying to find a way to unlock more information for his investigation. And then it hit him.

"Well, what if I talked to your client? I can maybe convince them, give them some compensation or something. I'm willing to." Adrien asked this politely, not wanting to push any boundaries.

"I can definitely give you their number, but I do warn you that the exchange was anonymous. I have no idea what their name is, and I texted with them throughout the entire thing." Olivier mentioned.

"That's totally okay!" Adrien assured. Olivier nodded his head, agreeing, and wrote down the number on a sticky note and handed it over to the blond.

"Here you go,"

The two stood up and Adrien made his way to the front door once again, "Thank you, Olivier." 


the next chapter is going to be a major part!! stay excited and tuned in..

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