𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 | hello, father

911 26 9

ADRIEN takes a deep breath as he walks up the steps of Fleury-Mérogis Prison. He buzzes the doorbell and a police officer answers, immediately recognizing him and moving aside so he can come inside. Adrien walks in, looking around the place and following the officer to a small, isolated room.

The man opens the door, gesturing for Adrien to go in. The blond wipes his hands on his pants and reluctantly strides forward, avoiding eye contact with the person who's going to be in front of him.

He sits down, staring down at the table. Then, he looks up to meet the gaze of his father.

"Hello, father." Adrien greets, his tone cold and uninviting.

"Son—" Gabriel started to say, "I've missed you so much. I haven't seen you since.. since that day."

"Well," Adrien responded, "My lawyer told me to come today to help sort your affairs before you leave the prison in a week. I'm not here to see you willingly, nor will I ever be in the future."

Gabriel stayed silent, not wanting to say anymore for the moment in fear of creating an uncomfortable environment.

"To be clear, when you are released, you will have no part in the company. Your entire status, control, and engagement in the Lady Brand has been revoked." Adrien stated.

"The Lady Brand? What happened to the old name?" Gabriel asked.

Adrien ignored him, deciding not to respond, "I am not required to assist you with your return and you will not be able to rely on me for guidance or financial help. You will get 500 euros as your gate money, and you will have to live off of that until you find a source of income."

".. May I ever contact you? Just to get dinner or something?"

"You are allowed to contact me, but that doesn't mean I'll say yes, father." Adrien replied, biting his tongue to hold back from sighing out of frustration, "Well, if that will be all, I have to get going." Adrien pushes his chair back and stands up to leave, but Gabriel stops him.

"Wait, Adrien, stay." He pleads, his glasses falling down at his abrupt movement to look up at his son.

Suddenly, Adrien's monotone voice turned direct, "If you want me to stay, father, then I guess we can talk about some other things.. like the question of whether you told Shadow Moth Ladybug's identity—or if you're ever going to give up on that ridiculous threat to 'hunt for her'." You could almost hear the hurt behind his voice, begging for a redemption from his father and other things that he wished could be resolved in a snap.

He wanted his father to say,

"No, I didn't tell Shadow Moth. I'm past Emilie."

He wanted to hear those words,

"I would never pull a threat like that."

But no.

"Adrien, why does it matter if I said or did anything? You know I care for you. I never meant to hurt you nor Ladybug, and I just want what's best for us. For the three of us."

He'd heard something like this before. The quote was ringing in his ear, "I'm doing this for you, for her, for our family."

"One way or another, you're going to have to move on. You have to accept the fact that she's gone. And there's nothing you can do. No wish can mend this. When you think about it, either you or I would end up going." Adrien mentioned, leaving Gabriel stunned at the revelation. He had never thought about that.

Silence filled the room, until Gabriel spoke, "I'm just trying to be a better dad."

"Well obviously you're not trying hard enough."

Just then, the police officer came into the room, "Time's up, folks." Adrien got up once again and started to follow the officer out, ready to leave this place.

"I'm sorry, Adrien." Gabriel apologized as he watched his son walk away from him.

Adrien looked back, making direct eye contact, "'Sorry' doesn't cut it."


a cut (not really) short little chapter cause i needed this in the fic for personal (not really) reasons

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