𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 | romantics

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"ALRIGHT, party people! Enjoy the drinks, enjoy the food, enjoy the music, and enjoy the disco!" Nino shouted to the attendees.

"Can you quiet down a little?" Felix scolded Nino.

"Hey, you're going to have to put up with me if you want the plan to work." Nino reminded, "This party's going to have to be a bit more lively than you originally planned for."

Felix scoffed and muttered under his breath, "The things I do for you, Agreste.." He shook his head and turned back to the group, "Okay, so we're all clear on phase one of the plan?"

"Yup," Alya answered, "Create tension, act weird, leave them alone, and stay quiet when it gets awkward."

"Correct. This phase may not be the most romantic one, but it's important, so no matter how much you guys want to open your mouths when the time comes, don't." Felix reminded everyone.

"Got it." Kagami noted. Felix smiled, and then turned his head to Marinette and Adrien, who were just chatting across the floor.

"Adrienette, get over here." Felix called, which summoned a weird glance, blush, and denying face from both of them. They hurried over, avoiding each others' eyes.

"Uh, what's up?" Adrien asked.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" Alya asked, her eyes sly.

"Okay.." Marinette agreed.

"I'm in, but only because Mari is." Adrien stated. Alya and Nino chuckled at this, realizing how cute it was that Adrien wanted to stick with Marinette.

"Alright, so," Felix leaned back against a table, "Alya, truth or dare?" He was starting the game out straight and simple, not wanting to cut right to the chase in fear that things would crumble to dust.

"Truth." Alya chose.

"Okay, do you wish Nino would have proposed earlier?"

Alya thought for a second, glanced at Nino, and then smiled, "Well, I guess maybe a part of me does. But I'm glad that he waited this long, because we're in our mid-twenties which is relatively early, so even earlier would've been a bit difficult. Nonetheless, I think it's for the best that things happened the way it did." Alya gave Nino a small peck on the cheek, "Two other people, on the other hand.. need to at least get on the road to love soon."

There was silence for a bit, and there was some sort of unspoken elephant in the room. But, there was no sound coming from anyone.

"Um.." Alya cleared her throat, "So, Marinette, truth or dare?" After Alya had gone, everyone was a little warmed up and it was time for the plan to take action.

"Dare." Marinette answered.

The group of four had already talked about what would happen if one of them said dare. They knew that they could make Adrienette kiss, that was a given, but it felt wrong. The whole point of the plan was to make them realize their feelings, not force it upon them. Something such as kissing should be an action that they want to fulfill when the time comes.

So, the group had all agreed that if one were to choose dare, they would just simply make them do something stupid and move on. They would wait until it was a truth for Marinette or Adrien.

Alya dared Marinette to just scream, "Let's go, party people!" out loud to everyone, and she did just that. Then Marinette dared Felix to tie his hair up in a ponytail. And now, it was Felix's turn.

"Adrien, truth or dare."

"Truth." Adrien answered. Thank god.

"Alright, Adrien," Felix started, "What was discussed out in the garden with Marinette at my engagement party?"

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