Fifteen - Adumbrate

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If it happened once, it can happen again.
Year 11



After Butler's announcement, I stand from the table, barely noticing Thrawn do the same. It does not even occur to me that it might not be for his ears; I'm worried Anakin is in trouble. "Play it."

A man I now see as familiar pops up as a blue holo recording. His face is pinched with forced calm, and I know right away it isn't Anakin in trouble—it's Leia.

"Kat. I've been told you can get this message to a blood relative. She was revealed when we ran into an Inquisitor. You must get help. Please, Kat, save her."

It cuts out on the last word, but my mind is already moving fast.

"Annie, pull up communications with command," I demand as I try to reach Anakin. Luckily, I know where the Inquisitor is taking her. Unfortunately, I'm no match for one, let alone their entire fortress.

When Anakin does not answer, I take a page from Bail's book and leave a message.

"Sir, you must return immediately." I want to say nothing else matters, but I have no idea who will be around when he watches it.

I turn to Thrawn and nod toward the lift, moving fast. "Sir, I may need some—" I stop when Annie beeps that command is ready. The connection goes live just as we make it to the lift, but I'm not yet sure if I need to go up or down.

"Boss," Letty's voice comes out, and I'm grateful it is her in charge. "There's an incoming ship, destination Nur."

"Stop them," I growl, my voice almost a threat. Looks like we'll be going up. I can't leave this to other people.

"Commander, you said we don't," I cut her off, understanding she must realize it is an Inquisitor ship—but all bets are off. I climb into the lift, pressing the top floor.

"Letty, that vessel is not to reach the moon and it is not to be harmed, is that understood?"


At the same time, I hear a woman's voice from Thrawn's comm. "Faro."

"Hold a moment Letty," I mumble as Thrawn begins to speak.

"Captain, do you have eyes on a ship that just entered the system?"

"Yes, sir."

"Pull them in."

"No!" I snap, causing Thrawn's eyes to widen just a fraction. "Sorry sir, but there's an Imperial Inquisitor on that ship. They could slaughter your people if this isn't done delicately."

Thrawn does not hesitate to nod, needing no further information.

"Faro, do not let them dock, but we need them stalled. They must not reach the moon."

"Yes sir," she says, and I'm curious as to why she doesn't question attacking an Imperial ship. I suppose that's because they run an actual military operation.

The lift opens and I follow Thrawn, who is moving quickly toward the ships.

"Mine or yours?" he asks.

"Yours, if you wouldn't mind. I'm not the best pilot."

"We're going to have to change that, Miss Velez," he says as he boards the ramp. I frown at the odd statement but slide into the co-pilot's seat and strap in.

As he takes off, he presses a bunch of keys and gets the line to his flagship open.

"—your concern, Captain," a woman's voice comes out.

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