Seven - Mercurial

304 14 2

That's life! Sometime's you're on the bantha's back, and sometimes it's the bantha that's on your back. And sometimes you switch positions twice in one chapter.
Year 10



"Velez has entered atmosphere." I stop pacing at Zena's voice. My stomach feels empty and angry. I'm nervous, I realize. I've spent hours running possibilities over and over in my head, but I'm clueless.

Kitten has always been so...clear to me. I thought I understood her.

"Scan the ship," I say and start heading to my hangar. "Has it been to Chandrila?" I can't imagine her going there, as Letty informed me. Why would she? I know she loved her parents, but I don't think she feels any connection to the place anymore.

I just don't understand.

"It will take some time. Might I suggest asking her?"

"People lie, Zena."

"I am aware."

I sigh and clench my fists. If she's being snippy, I have no idea. She only has one tone of voice. I adore the helmet Kitten made me; Zena is truly a help. But now I find I'm simply annoyed, and it's likely because Kitten made her.

I watch her land the ship, ignoring my curiosity as to how she did flying. The landing is...amateur. But, successful nonetheless.

She doesn't come out, so I walk up the ramp with a pounding heart and a sick feeling. I know I'm walking into the end of our relationship, I just don't know why.

"Where have you been?" I snap the moment I enter the cockpit. Kitten startles to her feet and I see a flash of disappointment on her face.

My mask, I realize. She looks away quickly, unable to look at me. It makes me angry—the Vader mask is still me. She's still looking at me.

There is a heaviness to her. Her shoulders are curved, she's clenching her hands together in front of her stomach. Her black outfit is dusty, her face dry and rather sunburned.

She doesn't answer me. Why? What has happened? What has she done?

"Kitten," I growl, approaching her. She backs up into the console, her body beginning to lightly shake.

She is...scared. Of me.

"Heart rate rising consistently. Rise in blood pressure. I suggest you walk away."

I ignore Zena, barely comprehending her words. Kitten is frightened.

"I, I'm sorry," she chokes out. For once, her fear angers me. It seems to be evidence of guilt.

"If you do not start explaining," I say, not finishing the threat.

"I left! Okay! I left," she cries, her eyes becoming wet in a single blink.

"Obviously!" She almost flinches, I see. My chest feels like it's going to crack wide open.

"No," she says pathetically—and it clicks.

She left me.

I yank her to me, my hands rough on her biceps as I begin to understand what she's saying. "You tried to leave me?" I ask, and it is so quiet, my voice is audible beneath the modulation.

The look on her face is devastating. I think I watch her heart snap. I know mine breaks right in two as I realize this person, this woman that I trusted and adored, left me. Something I hadn't imagined possible after she discovered who I am and stayed.

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