Sixteen - Aplomb

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I never underestimate my opponent, but I never underestimate my strengths, either.
Year 11



"Are they gone?" Leia asks. "All of them?"

With a bit of effort, I straighten and take her in. She's cautiously relieved. Yeah, if I'd been taken on two separate occasions, I think I'd be happy too.

"So it appears. Someone will search for survivors." Thankfully it's not my job. My datapad pings and, honestly, I almost ignore it. What more could possibly happen today?

It's telling me the upper hangar is opening. I swear to the gods, if he's injured and expects me to fix him up, I'm tossing him off the castle.

"Anakin is landing," I announce. I send the all-clear to Letty and the Dominion.

When the lift opens, we turn to see him step off, and one glance at his posture and stance tells me he's pissed. He's also dripping wet—I bet his cape weighs a ton. He lets out a growl and removes his helmet, throwing it hard across the room and knocking things off the wall. I grip Leia's wrist and move her behind me before the mask even leaves his hand.

"What the fuck was that?!" he roars.

I step forward, meeting his yellow eyes that follow my every move. They're almost crazed, and dark circles shadow them.

Placing my hands on each side of his face, I force him to slow. "Anakin." Once his eyes focus on mine, I press my forehead to his. "Leia and I are safe, Anakin," I whisper for only him to hear. "You are fucking incredible, my love."

A shiver rolls through him, then he wraps his arms around my waist, tugs me flat against him, and presses his lips firmly to mine.

I should be uncomfortable with the two viewing, but between the heat his lips created within me and the fact that the kiss was firm but soft, telling me he had control of himself, I'm far from it.

He pulls back too soon and returns his forehead to mine for another moment. "Thank you, Kitten." I nod lightly and he pulls away to look at his daughter. My knees feel weak when I see his blue eyes shining.

"Princess," he says softly. "I'm really sorry about this." His face is contorted into regret and what I think might be fear.

She shakes her head and runs to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, and it takes everything in me not to let tears form.

"I only wish you'd killed them sooner," she mumbles before pulling away.

Anakin looks pained by her words, but his face corrects as he looks at Thrawn.

"My lord," Thrawn greets with a small bow of his head. "If you wish to reschedule our appointment, I would understand."

"I have delayed long enough, I think. I thank you for aiding Kat in this, Admiral. I'm afraid it was less a military objective than a personal one."

"I disagree, my lord. Saving a princess is rather official." There is something in his expression that tells me he knows exactly how personal this is.

Anakin nods lightly and returns his gaze to me. "Would you return her to her father, Kitten?"

"But," Leia starts to object. Anakin's eyes flash to her.

"This is no place for you, my princess."

Leia seems to soften, and I know I do.

"It also will not look right if I take you back myself," Anakin says and runs his hand through through his hair. None of us add that the whole thing doesn't look right, though we are likely all thinking it.

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