Forty-nine - Vicissitude

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It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without letting it corrupt you to the dark side.
Year 14



The red-marbled planet looms larger outside the viewport, but I barely register it. My troops are quiet, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say scared.

Darth Vader's home, a haunted fortress full of utter darkness. And the sleek, feline human woman who watches it with vivid green eyes. It is those eyes that bother me. So all-seeing, so shockingly green. At first glance, they seem perfectly fit to serve a dark lord.

Until she smiles. Truly smiles.

There is too much life and light in those eyes. I've seen all manner of men, from broken to furious to despondent.

Kat Velez's eyes tell me one thing that I can't shake: She enjoys living.

A rare enough phenomenon in my profession, but in hers?

Which was why when I read the reports of what occurred on and over Kashyyyk, read that one of Vader's destroyers was ripped apart from the inside, read that he is AWOL, I was prepared to drop everything and beg to investigate.

I didn't have to. Yularen was sending me to Mustafar almost the moment word got out. Not that I believe I'll be the only one.

But, I have a head start and a belt full of advantages—and that tiny little favor Kat owes me for breaking that scientist's contract. Which had been hell, by the way, to achieve quietly. I may have earned a favor from her, but I owe three other people favors because of it. Not the best deal on paper, but I'm certain the value of one from Velez is high.

Using my first advantage card, I connect with Fortress Vader and fall into a casual tone. Not a lot of people would have gotten past the Dominion and connected with Kat's security, but I've been here before. I shot the breeze with the admiral on the ground. Met with the admiral of the Dominion. Laughed at Martell's jokes.

"I'm here to meet with Kat Velez," I say after giving my codes.

"I'm afraid that isn't possible at the moment," a man's voice comes back. Because she isn't here?

"I came all the way here under her orders. Are you telling me she's changed her mind without informing me?"

There's a long pause. Trying to verify my claim, no doubt. But I have a feeling Kat doesn't outline her schedule to her staff.

Apparently, I'm right. "We have not heard anything about it. You're cleared to land. Unless Velez gave you instructions otherwise, your men will not be permitted to enter the fortress."

I could lie further and say they're permitted, but I don't want to push my luck. If it doesn't sound like a command she would give, I risk exposing myself too early.


We go to land in the same place as last time, an entire area cleared for me, just like last time. I thought it was protection and suspicion last time, keeping me away from the staff and troopers swarming this area. Now, I'm not so sure.

The only difference is who is meeting me. Instead of the unusual red protocol droid, it is Kat's right hand. The blonde woman leans casually against a light post, one foot pulled up and flat against the metal. She's in civilian clothes: tight black pants and an even tighter white shirt, and a striking, smooth red leather jacket hanging open.

I'm almost positive her red jacket is a nod to Vader—whether it symbolizes blood or lava, I can only guess. That's something I've noticed when it comes to Vader—despite his ability to put the fear of gods in...well, anyone, he does seem to inspire loyalty. No one likes working with his First Legion in the intelligence sector because they're impossible to question, yet the other branches don't seem to mind when they show up because they're brutally efficient. The handful of people I've met that have once been stationed here or somewhere Vader frequents have plenty of negative things to say, but always stop just short of anything bad about the man himself. Many go so far as to say they would not object to another posting with him—which blows my mind. There are so many admirable leaders in the Empire. This guy is merciless. Beastly. Erratic and instinctive. Do his physical abilities really outweigh this? Are the tales of his stroke of genius moments in conflicts truly that inspiring?

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