Thirty-four - Diatribe

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Keep your face always toward the sunshine so shadows fall behind you.
Year 13



For the first time, I actually liked the big whig I met with. He's not a scientist and doesn't have a complete understanding of what his company is even capable of, but the two specialists who joined us did. All three of them seemed rather excited by the prospect of my proposal—and all three signed the NDA without complaint.

Finally, some good news. I transferred a hundred thousand credits for them to begin research, the other nine hundred thousand to be given upon completion. That's right, a million credits for them to basically finalize a design I've already written. Oh well; it's not my money.

Anakin sends a second car to pick me up, and the troopers deliver me outside a place I desperately hoped to never visit again.

The Imperial Palace.

What did this place look like as the Jedi Temple? Surely just as large and oppressive, minus the stained glass windows of the Imperial cog, the long, blood-red banners, and the military bustle, of course. I remember Anakin's tale of the dark Force energy below and can't help but imagine a Jedi temple on Mustafar.

All of this runs through my mind as I walk up the steps with long, even strides and work to pull myself together. Spine straight. Thoughts slow and regulated, as Kenobi taught me. Don't smile. Don't look around more than necessary. Stay present. According to Anakin, Palpatine isn't on the planet, but I'm entering his home, his base of operations. There will be no mistakes.

But there will be no hiding, either.

"Chief," a guard says with a nod. Chief? I don't react, instead slipping through the open doors without a glance.

Holy shit. What a fucking entrance. When Anakin brought me here, we took a side entrance that led us almost directly to the throne room. This is a castle. I've never seen ceilings so high or pillars so wide. I can't help but curve my neck as I look up the massive staircase right smack in the center.

A coldness overcomes me, and for a moment, I think I hear Anakin's voice. It's one of anger, but it doesn't seem...whole.

I turn to look for him, not surprised when he's not here. He wouldn't remove his helmet, for starters.

"Kat Velez?" A deeply accented voice comes out. I look to my right to see a handsome man in a navy officer's uniform. He has a kind face with a soft smile and despite my resolve to remain neutral, I smile back.

"That's my name."

He takes a step closer, stopping before me. "Lieutenant Eli Vanto, ma'am, at your service. I've been instructed to bring you to Lord Vader."

"Lead the way, Eli Vanto." He smiles again before nodding. "Any particular reason you were chosen?" I ask as we begin walking toward the right side of the entryway.

"I'm sorry?" His accent is interesting, one I'm not sure I've heard before.

"To escort me. Or are you just a random officer?"

"Well, I'm certainly that," he says with a grin, and I'm left wondering how he found himself here. He's too...nice. "But I think I was just in the right place. I serve under Admiral Thrawn, who's currently in a High Command meeting with Lord Vader."

"Ah, Thrawn. Well met, Eli Vanto. But I do not think the admiral does anything without reason."

This earns me a chuckle. "No, I think not."

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