Thirty-three - Deification

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Money and success don't change people; the assholes were already assholes.
Year 13



I land in a secluded platform and a guard points the way to a back entrance.

"One droid behind the door," Zena says. "Will scan upon entry."

She's learned what I want from her alright, as Kat said she would. Upon entering a place I've never been, I always ask for her data. I no longer have to ask. The almost sentient droid mind within my helmet is more like an attachment to my brain than an outer shell. It would be spooky if it wasn't so helpful.

Indeed, there's a silver protocol droid waiting for me—I know he's for me because he perks up the moment I enter.

"Master Vader, welcome. I have been instructed to take you to Mistresses Jewel and Kat."

I gesture him forward and follow his lead. "Three other droids within the apartment. Three people inside." A brief pause. "Kat and Jewel Eridani. And...Ashlan Greene, deeper inside. Readings suggest he is asleep. Human servants have been unofficially sent home for the day. This is the second time you have interacted with Jewel—shall I upload her to my databanks for quicker recognition?"


She doesn't respond, per usual. I find she rarely wastes a word.

I'm brought into an elaborate seating area, and Kat notices me first. She shoots out of her seat and, as I remove my helmet, I hear a small chuckle from Jewel. Kitten launches into my arms the same time my mask hits the floor. I genuinely enjoy when she leaps into my arms like this, when all reservations have drained from her, her body and mind relaxing into me.

"Hey baby," I say into her hair.

"You didn't need to fly here, Anakin."

"I don't do many things I don't want to do, Kitten. I'll likely be gone by the time you wake up."

"Then perhaps I just won't sleep."

I chuckle. "You will. I'm taking you to tour military bases tomorrow."

Her nose wrinkles with distaste. "Why?"

"I'm doing inspections. And we've never been seen together."


"So I like people knowing you're untouchable. It would seem there is some confusion about it," I add without humor.

"Wow," Jewel says dreamily, turning our attention to her. "I hope a man treats me like that one day." I almost smirk at her airy expression. I'm really not supposed to be sweet or romantic but with Kitten, I don't even have to try.

"He bought me flowers once," Kitten says with an obvious air of pleasure.

"Once?" Oh, she's going to criticize.

"They don't do well on Mustafar." Jewel laughs like I made the funniest joke.

"Perhaps a magma bouquet then," she chuckles as she stands and begins a long stretch. "Well listen," she says with a yawn. "This has been another thrilling day. You two never disappoint. But I actually have a lovely gentleman who will likely never buy me flowers but is sure to give me multiple, mind-blowing orgasms waiting in my bed."

"Jewel!" Kitten scoffs as if scandalized. "We've been shooting the breeze for hours!"

She shrugs. "I like when a man is a bit desperate." I clear my throat and try not to laugh. I hadn't realized how inappropriate she could be.

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