Thirty-nine - Contrive

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My mama always said, life is like a bag of tricks. You never know what battle comes next.
Year 13



The day starts out normal enough. Things have been quiet on Lothal as the build progresses. If it keeps up this way, it will finish on schedule and I'll finally be rid of this backwater planet.

It's seven in the morning. I'm running up and down the streets of Capital City—exercise, fresh air, and surveillance all in one.

A toddler stands alone on a balcony with no clothes. With an ease only years of practice could hone, I make no judgments. I analyze, that's it. The toddler smiles at me and waves. After a moment, I lift my hand in a small wave back.

An elderly man crosses the road in the direction of the small cafe. Windows of the cafe are dark. A woman enters it, and I see a table with two Trandosians at it.

To my left, a man in a clean suit gets inside his speeder.

A few more paces and a boy maybe fifteen years ago old opens his window. The sudden movement calls for my attention—but the boy and the face he makes at me is no threat. Insulting, but not a threat.

A cantina owner dumping trash. A duo of stormtroopers nod as I run by.

My comm goes off. I don't slow until I see Yularen's name appear.

"Kallus," I say when I come to a stop, working to keep my voice even.

"Have I interrupted your run?" I let out a breathless sigh and wipe sweat from my brow.

"That's alright."

"Your youth inspires me. How's Lothal?"

I narrow my eyes. What is this, social hour? "The same." The same as the report from last night, I want to say.

"Excellent. I have a...task for you." The pause was brief, but it tells me enough. Whatever it is, it isn't on the books.

"I'm listening." I start pacing to keep moving, still analyzing every piece of my surroundings.

"I want you to find a way to inspect Vader's home." Did I hear that right? "It's best if you don't raise alarm."

"Is there something I should be looking for, sir?"

"Oh, no, no. Nothing like that. There's no investigation. After his aid or whatever she is arrested Taddeo, I simply want to know more about their...relationship."

Is he fucking kidding me right now? "You want me to report on them? Or her specifically?"

"I want you to inspect his home, Agent Kallus."

I almost sigh. This isn't a game I wish to be involved in. "Do you have suggestions, sir?" Clearly, he does.

"I saw you with the woman on Coruscant. You have a...unique relationship with her." I stop pacing and rub my temple with my free hand. "It balances on a point, likely to fall into either trusted allies or bitter rivals. Use it. I don't quite care which way you let it fall, but do not create an enemy of her or Lord Vader. Is that clear?"

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