Chapter 2

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Waking up in a strange bed in a strange villa with a strange guy beside her made everything start sinking in. The previous day was surreal, the type of day where you have to constantly pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming. In the light of a new morning, though, reality was sinking in.

Josie was actually there, on Love Island. If all went well, she would be there for a month. An entire month of sharing a bedroom and a home with nine or more other hot singles. Waiting in line for the toilet or shower, sharing a kitchen, not having anywhere to go for a moment of privacy. Confined to the same four walls with the same people, day in and day out.

It was daunting, to say the least. She wasn't used to being around so many other people all the time, especially ones she wasn't sure she'd even get along with. Of the girls, Priya was the only one who gave her any real hope for an ally.

After a short workout with Gary, Rahim, and Noah, which she used to get to know the guys a little more and put some feelers out, she took a shower and then ate a quick breakfast with Bobby, Rocco, and Lottie. She made herself a cup of tea, then headed upstairs to the dressing room, hoping nobody would be on the roof terrace and she could get some time to herself.

The terrace was occupied, but when she discovered it was Priya sitting there, her face lifted to the sun, she decided to offer her company.

"Mind if I join?" Josie asked, and Priya turned her head and smiled.

"Good morning," she replied. "Please do! I don't think the rest of the girls are thrilled that I'm here, so it's nice to see a friendly face."

"Give them time."

Her face screwed up. "I'm not sure time is what I need — I need another man to come in to even out the numbers."

"Everyone feels threatened."

"That's hardly my fault." She flipped her hair over her shoulder and shrugged. "I didn't ask to be a bombshell."

Josie blew across the top of her steaming hot tea before taking a sip. Priya was right; it wasn't like any of them got to choose how they entered the villa. Only five were lucky enough to be among the original cast; everyone else that joined would not only be at a disadvantage, but would be under constant scrutiny from those who were there before them. But that didn't mean they had any less of a right to be there. To find love, if that's what they were looking for.

"So, what's your game plan?" she asked, sitting back and crossing one leg over the other. "Any front-runners so far?"

Priya shrugged. "I'll pull all the guys for chats, I guess. I talked to a few of them last night... I might have my eye on one or two in particular, but a lot will depend on how those conversations go."

"Keeping your cards close to your chest, I see."

She grinned. "Of course! Anyway, how 'bout you? How's your couple going so far? You and Bobby seem like you're getting along well."

"We are." Josie smiled. "But I'm open to other possibilities."


"Well, if you must know," she replied with a laugh, "I'd be interested in getting to know Noah and Gary more. I stepped forward for both of them yesterday."

"Really!" Priya sat forward, looking interested. "But you ended up with Bobby?"

Josie nodded and gave Priya the rundown on how the coupling had gone and who seemed interested in who. The older woman seemed especially interested in how Noah had ended up with Hannah, and Josie had a sneaking suspicion that he was the one she had her eye on the most. She wasn't sure how they would suit since Noah had been fairly quiet so far, but he'd be a fool not to give her a chance. Along with Josie and Hope, though, he would certainly be spoiled for choice.

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